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  1. I used the oghum infinium glitch and the max carry weight I got to was 700 lbs that was with the thieves guild armor as well , I guess if you can find a item that can be uninchanted that has fortify carry weight or stamina destroy it and learn the enchantment and make a set of armor , necklace , ring what ever to add stamina or carry weight to the item that would increase your carry capacity. how much I don't know.
  2. I know this site is for skyrim but I recently went and started oblivion and during the main quest line aid for bruma I've been able to clear most of the oblivion gates from most cities except for skingard when I get inside the gate there are two towers and one big sigil stone tower I've gotten to the top of both towers and can't get to the portal tower as the bridges were both broken, how do I get to the portal tower any help would be welcome.
  3. I don't know the patch number but the glitch still works as of february 7th since the dragonborn dlc
  4. the easiest way to get 100 sneak is when you are first given the option to follow the stormcloak you arrived with or the imperial who guides you past the dragon attack go with the imperial you'll go in the barraks he free's you and tells you to check the crates for weapons and armor don't open the chest with the arrow pointing at it grab a sword off the wall sneak up to the imperial and hit him back up then repeat this also upgrades your one handed and you can also use destruction magic and upgrade that as well the ncp doesn't die and doesn't attack you in about 2 to 4 hours you can get 100 sneak 100 destruction 100 one handed, just how much repition can you handle. I was level 30 something by the first battle and also started getting better weapons from victims earlier.
  5. they are probably a quest item and they won't let you get rid of them until the quest is done.
  6. The glitch still works for the x-box and ps3 as of november 2012
  7. I completed the game 1 time before the first download and then played dawnguard then I decided to restart the game after heartfire came out since then the second game I started froze up repeatedly during the dark brotherhood quest where you have to search for survivors and get in the night mothers coffin the screen go's to the cut scene and you can here the water and noises but no one comes to open the coffin , I reloaded the game at the previous save point and left it and went on to other missions then the game glitched in the house of horrors quest so I went in and deleted the game from the hard drive deleted the downloads and patches and saved games and then reinstalled the game and downloads and started again game glitched at the same dark brotherhood spot but played through house of horrors but glitched after the first thieves guild quest where you have to steal a item and plant it on someone then talk to brynlof the quest finished but brynlof wont meet me in the ragged flagon which screws me for the deidric quest which is the last one to the achievement. any help would be appriciated .
  8. go to the temple of mara in riften it's beside black-brier mansion and talk to one of the priests and that starts the marrage quest wear one of the amulets and marry who you want to marry , the amulet lets people know your looking for love , just follow quest objectives.
  9. or if you have the dragon priest mask Volkun I think, you can breath underwater also.
  10. also dont forget to loot his body as he has the statues eyes one of which is worth a good chunk of change from devin.
  11. It would be fun if you could remarry and have the new wife move in the same town like in the fable games , I had two wives and moved them in side by side in bowerstone and would come home and they would be fighting over me that would be great to see in this game or future elder scroll's games (wink , wink )
  12. it wasn't the weight of one but I had 30 briar hearts at 0.5 lb 6 amulet of talos's at 1 pound each thats over 20 pounds of crap that I couldn't rid myself of.
  13. if you are a werewolf and agree to become a vamp lord the high vamps blood cures you of being a wolf, I love it in these games when a boss brags about how though they are when they have no idea how powerful you are , I'd love to taunt the vamp lord "well I'm the dragonborn and I kill dragons for fun what can you do that they can't, Bitch"
  14. I've come across several items that are quest items and cant find who to talk to about starting said quest I have the guide book and some of these things don't show up in the appendex i.e curious silver mold , amulet of talos , and briar hearts the dam things cant be removed from my inventory and continue to weigh me down ( meanning I can't loot as many corpes's as I would like ) any help as to who to speak with to get these dang quests done and this crap off my persons.
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