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Carroll 1

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Posts posted by Carroll 1

  1. Hey now I didn't bail on you like a month ago, just everytime you were on you never asked me. I'd be more then glad to help you out Trevor; For old times sake. I may not be a part of TRR but your hitler stache has been etched into my memory forever in all it's greatness

  2. Posted Image

    This is an alternative method, With the same answer so i believe it is correct. This is the way I was taught in college to solve mathmatical equations (using fractions.) You may find this easier for you, hence me posting my work.]

    Step 1 Multiply "1/2" into the bracket containing (3x-5) using the numerator and keeping the original denominator along with carrying over the "X" with your first value. Using BEDMAS of course (Brackets, Exponents, Multiplication/Divison, Adding/Subtraction)

    Step 2 Rewrite your equation and check your work ensuring the process was properly completed.

    Step 3 Determin your LCM (Least Common Multiple) which can usually be done by multiplying your denominators in the equation (in this case the LCM is 6, 2x3). After finding your LCM multiply each value by this number and any value that has a Denominator other then "1" (any whole number with no visable denominator is considered to be "over" 1) is first multiplied by the LCM then divided by the demoninator.

    Step 4 Rewrite your equation and check your work ensuring the process was properly completed.

    Step 5 Rearrange this equation grouping the values with the "Constant" ( I think is the word i'm looking for) "X" on one side of the Equals sign (remembering to change the negative or positive if it crosses sides of the equals sign) and the whole numbers grouped on the other following the same principal.

    Step 6 Carry out the math involved in Step 5 and divide the number that is included beside the Constant "-5" in this case, to itself and the whole number provided after carrying out the simple math on the right side of the equals sign. (Remember to bring the pos/neg sign across as well)

    Step 7 Rewrite your equation in it's simplest form and check your divison in Step 6.

    The way Traagien did it is just as right as mine. For me I find this easier. I hope my explaination provided the help you needed to find your mistakes. I explained everything in some sort of "detail" for the purpose as to aid your learning curve. Not patornize your intelligence.

    For myself I found steps two, four, and six helped me correct silly mistakes. Helped greatly on my Block 1 Exam for Electrical.

    • Upvote 1
  3. Internet was down for a 5 days. I come back to this topic.

    [*]Glad to see the creation of this topic. Although I can see how this can be seen as a "stupid" way to end the clan, even though it was never an official end to the clan, similar topics have bolstered activity for awhile.

    [*]OMFG IT'S HENRY!#!#!#@!@!#@!#!#@!

    [*]Well I'm the only moderator, so I guess I'm the one guilty of moderating abuse. If you are referring to me closing your topic for posting in the wrong forum, then I'm guilty. If you are referring to me wishing you luck in finding a mature clan with members such as yourself, then no, that isn't moderation abuse. Neither is the other thing, but I digress.


    [*]I guess everybody is to blame, more or less. I know I've been lazy on the TRR side of things, though I've been focusing on ElderSouls. So naturally, I'm aiming for TRR leader. Comments?

    So let's put all the negative things that were said behind us and focus on a brighter tomorrow.

    Posted Image

    Don't pretend you weren't moved.
    In spite of what you've addressed Blex. The "hypothetical" part in the topic name was left out and it was just "the end of trr August 1st. Then the Comments that followed up until the claification that Traagien wasnt actually ending trr.

    Lastly. Welcome Back Edwin.

  4. I was this morning and for a period of 2 hours no one was in the clan chat besides myself. This can be verified by Brad and others. As I write this, there are 5 people in the clan chat.Am I supposed to be surprised 2-3 people thought closing their clan was stupid? I highly doubt everyone responded to "is closing the clan stupid?" with "Traaginen by far one of the stupidest people ive ever met."Believe it or not this wasn't done just to piss people off. This is a REAL possibility that I'm telling you WILL happen if nothing changes.It's not fake. This is what I'm going to do unless I see a desire for the clan to continue.You don't understand what I said. Recruiting has been horrible all summer besides for 1 week. This does NOT mean you weren't doing your job successfully. The Diplomats have been comprised of like two, MAYBE three people doing something AT MOST recently. In the past we've had 4-6, all working.One person doing a great job is still not going to equal the output of 4 doing it.I'm sorry I don't get the mission statement of the clan I founded.I don't understand why anyone is upset. I made this thread to ruffle some feathers, and now we have more activity and ideas then we've had in weeks. Mission successful?

    No all you did is anger people. And i can be the spokesperson for that very thing.Why is activity so important, The entire time i was a member of Trr it was always just talking to people and enjoying rs. not about how many people were recruited daily and worrying about how many people were on at any time.You were on in the morning. Even the people that are usually active daily like to sleep in it is the summer so coincidence no one was on?This mission statement you speak of. As i had said during my time with Trr, friendliness and chatting have been #1 things about trr. As you said you dont go on RS anymore. So how would you know why people are in trr these days? I can say for a fact most just enjoy having people to talk to while they do what they do on RS.I'm sure for a month straight there were 10+ recruited a week.(not all of which stayed i know)No people didnt say you were the stupidest person they've ever met, but back to me being canadian, I have the right to freedom of speech so i said what i thought. I did not say everyone agreed with that statement, but people have said what you did was stupid nonetheless. You've run this clan for 3 years and all you do is post a vid saying the clans done august 1st, Obviously people are going to want an explaination which you failed to provide. Even Constanci0 said himself that was stupid.If your going to End the Clan. Do it. You seem to hold all the power. And know everything about what people want in this clan.Why do ex trr members visit the cc from time to time? because they enjoyed talking, and return to do the very same thing. Kind of weird if you ask me since our Recruiting hasnt been up to "David's standards"

    As far as management problems, the only thing you've done since arriving here is complain and cause "petty bullshit". Your first post in this thread was "always easier to point fingers." That's all you've ever done, and unlike others, have never done anything or took any position that gives you any right to claim you know better than those who are actually trying.

    He's an Ex Diplomat as well. From the same time period as me. I think he did his part, in fact he helped recruit even before he became a diplomat himself.
  5. David isn't the clan leader anymore.. He has no reason to play RS he just helps with the Forums cause otherwise we wouldn't have a forum at all.. the only reason why David is ranked in game is because it's a safety net.

    how can he claim that no ones ever on, Like ive told you Cons. This clan's mostly Eastern based. And its the summer when people take trips and visit family/friends. No ones going to jump to be active for trr's sake. This clan is based to bring people together, talk, and have a friendly atmosphere, not worry about activity, or recruiting. Of course someone has to do it. Deathirst has been doing something i'm sure of it, Not everyone was as commited to recruiting daily like me or others that worked along side with me.

    It's no secret I don't play RuneScape. I don't lead the clan anymore. I'm not involved in day to day operations at all.

    Does that mean I can't see when there's a problem? No. Does that mean I can't try to fix said problem after I've seen it persist for weeks, if not months? No, and I would be letting TRR down if I did otherwise.

    My question is this: why are you two so persistently fighting something that everyone in TRR should HOPE gets resolved? Why are you making this an issue about me when it's something every member in the clan has complained about since the end of June? All I'm doing is creating a thread and saying this: If you want TRR to succeed, the members need to do more than they are now.

    There is absolutely nothing bad or disagreeable about that, and your insistence on reducing yourself to petty personal attacks...

    ...in the face of a POSITIVE change for TRR makes me believe you'd rather see your vendetta to the end instead of solving the problem at hand.

    I was the sole recruiter of this clan for a year (2008) and saw it grow to 1600 registered members by 2010. I know recruiting. I did not say Carroll didn't do his job once anywhere in this thread.

    First of all we both see the problem. Your expecting people to sit at home all summer and be active and spend their time recruiting or posting on forums. Im POSITIVE thats not how people feel like spending their entire summer.

    I said what i said, Its not a "petty personal attacks" The moment i saw this post i directed people towards it for their own personal opinions, and guess what, Everyone thought what you had done is Stupid. Its not just me, Sorry for being the voice of a collective group of people. Next time you decide to "fake the termination of Trr" post a reason or two. Not just a Vid of an old Clan wars fight. If everyone hopes to resolve this, How will it? no ones active anyways right?? No im not stepping up and recruiting again. I would have liked Trr to stay the way it was. When i come on theres always someone to say hello to. As well as do things with. Not worry about how many people i recruited today and how many signed up on this forum. I'm speaking my mind, As i am Canadian, Ive grown up knowing this right through and through. YOU did say David over the last few months (id go as far as saying June/July which is when i was a Diplomat) that there wasnt enough recruiting done. Oddly enough I was part of that recruiting. So whether you ment it or not thats what you had said. David, You entire miss the point of trr which is just having friends to help enjoy Rs, to talk to, PVM, quest, and joke around with, But i understand, all that has mattered to you lately is seeing Recruiting done and posts on this forum.

  6. Just seeing the responses here, though, I don't think anyone cares. Like 3 responses in 24 hours?@Carroll and Huygens: Seriously? A "stupid way"? Please let me know of any good methods of shutting down a clan. :/

    It's the summer, people are out enjoying themselves, dont expect people to slave over rs and go all out to promote trr constantly. It wont happen.Yea an explanation which you later gave is what i was calling for. To just say the clans done, IS STUPID. Reasoning should be given, IMO thats about the worst way to end it. (just saying its done on this date)

    Also, you should always be recruiting. Horrible/non-existent recruiting for the last several months is why we're sitting here on this thread now.

    I'm calling this a low blow i was a diplomat for a bit over a month i think and i recruited plenty each week, more then most people have for sure. As for doing it now, No, i have real life things to deal with and a new job. I stepped down for a reason, not due to laziness.For you to say such things when there have been people working at it to recruit and whatnot, its just rude to do. I know for a fact when "i814u2fatty, Tcee, and myself" were Dips we worked together while talking about it to ensure the RSOF, Zybez, and Runehq forums were checked frequently each day. I actually believe Tcee had gotten a bit irritated because i would ask her everyday. But i felt it was needed, and we discussed what i was doing and things were good for us. Not everyone does much for this clan BUT I KNOW that for the time i was a dip. along with who i worked along side with. DID their part to help maintain the clan.
  7. So this is a very stupid way to relay that such an old clan is ending. Props to Traagien and Constanci0 for leaving the "Normal members" in the dark. I'd expect some sort of explaination. Although it's apparent that there's no explaination to be made. Either way, to any other members that would like to continue to converse with myself, be sure to add me as i will not be returning to see any further messages.

  8. You probably won't read this, but good luck on finding a clan who also shares a collective stick up the collective ass.

    Theres really no need for this at all, Is she not allow to give her reasoning for leaving and not be patronized for doing so? I for one, appreciate honesty and that alma could say what she did. Whats it to you if she has a problem with your name. She's surely aloud to say it and not be bothered for that reason.

    Basically, I, and most other players, don't have the kind of grasp on Rs as you do.

    Some people find this sort of thing as vulgar. Of course your given the choice to pick and choose as you may. People should be allowed to voice their opinion in the same sense.
    • Upvote 1
  9. It wasnt that i wasnt good at H/C mind you i have lost a bit of money that way. but the key was misleading. considering it kept saying it was colder when it should have been hotter. Found it in the end as well as gave you a laugh or two. VERY FUN event, along with being very thought out. Props to you Blexun. I enjoyed the storyline.

  10. OK!!, so i'm 880k away from 99 so i do expect to be done this and be close to 99 within a week. Are there anytimes people wont be available at? I would like to know now, also if theres speficied times people would prefer also mention that as well.I'm currently hoping to have a house party at a clan members home (Trevor's is my only idea at the moment, although he never did confirm that.) if anyone would be gracious enough to allow us trr members to trash their place also mention it to me either on here or in game.I WOULD LOVE for this to be a good turn out. As it is my first 99, but hey! im no drama king, i wont make a big deal about it if not many people come. So as for now I'm unsure of a date to have it, but will post it when i know along with 2-3days grace to say the least. Hope to see you all thereResurr3ction/Carroll 1Trr Diplomat

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