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Blog Entries posted by cheekychips

  1. cheekychips
    Just read the hobbit this past week, and i must say its lived up to the "classic" hype. Quite frankly its been a while since I've enjoyed a fictional book so much. I'm always a lover of journeys and runescapish tales. (Fun fact, Mithril actually was a metal that originated from the Lord of the Rings)
    So, who doesnt enjoy reading a story about a midget with hairy feet?

    Lord knows I do
    From what I understand a major motion picture is coming out for this book, though I do not believe it will be able to do this great book justice. There is far too much to cover in that short 2 hours, so much lore and history to work in that I feel it will fall short of offering everything Tolkien's novel has to offer.
    The book starts out slow, with Bilbo hanging around his little hobbit home, smoking his pipe (if you've read the book, you've become familiar with Tolkien's obsession with smoke rings) When suddenly, Gandalf the wizard approaches Bilbo (the main character/hobbit). Within a chapter, Bilbo finds himself smack in the middle of an adventure.
    Before you know it, they're on their merry way, and you're taken on a beautifully descriptive journey through the mountains, swamps, and dark woods of this new world. If theres one thing I enjoyed most, its that Tolkien slips in mythology and history of these lands without preaching it. Confrontations with trolls and goblins become gateways to understanding why dwarves dont trust goblins, or why elves trade only with men. Im kind of a history buff as it is, so learning about a history completely new to me kinda excites me.
    Bilbo's magnificent journey is kind of a a coming of age tale, except its not. Thats stupid, why would you even suggest that? Its a tale of how he becomes confident in himself and his skills, and discovers in himself a newfound love for adventure. And the reader slowly discovers that gandalf is one bad ass MF.

    Gandalf is a badass
    The battle scenes are epic. The journey is entertaining, exciting, and does not drag on like other books. The constantly changing perils present fresh problems which constantly challenge bilbo's shortcomings. The ending was great, and very satisfying. I fully recommend this book to anyone who enjoys runescapish lore or journey books.
  2. cheekychips
    So, about 2 weeks ago I was rummaging around for a good n64 to play. It wasnt long before I came across... this.
    I remember first seeing the game being reviewed on G4 at an early age, (This was after i discovered there was an entire channel dedicated to video games, you cannot imagine how ecstatic i was. my childhood was videogames.) The thought of a game entirely dedicated to blowing shit up intrigued me, the chance to drive around in a giant robot and/or bulldozer and destroy structures was too tempting to resist. the very next day I bought the game, and popped that puppy in the N64.

    So, if you've bought used N64 games before, you know that you're not going to find an empty save file. They're all taken. But who cares? I didnt care. I just wanted to blow shit up, so I selected the complete file and jumped right in.

    (Chances are you've also experienced this a few times if you've bought used games)
    So, I wind up staring at the earth. There are about 30 different areas on this map that I can go, and blow up. I select the closest place to my house on the map, and start it up. I found myself in the middle of a level.

    I immediately cant figure out what to do. I mean, i'm a bulldozer but thats about all I can figure out. I've got someone yelling at me in the corner to clear the way for a carrier, who is slowly progressing through the streets. (Ok, you know your city has zoning issues when buildings become street obstructions.)
    First thought? Well, go run into shit. I'm a bulldozer. No, not that simple. Not at all. I ran into the first building and bounced off. Its a problem when you can figure out how to blow something up, in a game dedicated to blowing something up. See, there are also 5 other vehicles scattered through this map, each of them dedicated to something, but no explanation. you can jump out of your vehicle, and run into another one. My guess is they were each dedicated to destroying certain buildings or something. idk.
    So, anyways. I began to rage. I couldnt figure out anything, and I like to think i was pretty bright at that age. I mean i beat just about every other n64 game there was out there, except this one. no, this one was the bane of my childhood. I could never figure it out, never. The poorly marked objectives just had me running around driving and trying out all the vehicles, but never getting anywhere. Every now and then i was able to destroy a building, and my heart would flutter just a little. but then i'd be stuck again.
    I decided to pick up the game and give it another go a few weeks ago, to see if i could figure it out at this age... Not so much. Still confused. still clueless. At one point i was put into a race as a motorcycle, racing a tricked out hotrod in a figure 8. Wut. When did this turn into a racing game? idk. either way, it found its rightful place back in my game drawer. One day I'll figure it out... one day.
  3. cheekychips
    Thank. God. For. Ramen.
    Honestly, where would our contry be without ramen. How many college students would we have lost to hunger? I love ramen, I basically live off the stuff. Chicken, Beef, shrimp. Variety, variety is good. Ramen is good. Think of the lives saved by that 4$ bulk pack of ramen. Stoeffers too. I dont know who she is, but that bitch can sure make a good mac n cheese.
  4. cheekychips
    Its 1 in the morning, and I found myself here procrastinating as usual. Before long, the red solo cup to my left was tipped over, and its cold contents sitting in my crotch. First instinct? Paper towels. I often find that when I run to grab paper towels, I am reminded why I dislike them so much. Prepare yourselves, i'm about to Andy Rooney on dis shiz.
    You can never use just one. No. I dont care what any commercial says, i dont care how absorbant it says it is on the bag. When something spills, you're grabbing a shit ton of them. I've tried using just one, I really have. It doesnt work, it never works. Its 256 times more absorbant? Great, 256 times more absorbant than what? Stone?

    You took too many? You want to roll them back up? shit, that aint happenin. No my friend, you're just going to have to settle for this.

    Obviously as a college student. I dont have much money. Laundry is tied up a lot. So when something spills, I depend on paper towels to do the job. They dont. Rubbing them into the ground accompanied with windex only gives your carpet what i like to call "The Dandruff Effect"TM Where rolled up bits of paper embed themselves deep in the carpet and require more cleaning to remove. Great.
    Honestly, they just seem wasteful. When I look in a trashcan and see an enormous ball of paper there to greet me, I cant help but wonder where it all goes. Where it all builds up? I'm not much of environmentalist, but it bothers me to see windex soaked balls of paper disappear daily.
    So thats my rant for today. Peace.
    COMIC SAAAAAAANS!! (Fist Shake)

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