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Death Knight

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Everything posted by Death Knight

  1. Dont know much about dawnguard, but did you finish the vampires questline on the same file that you tried to go to the dawnguard ? probably not.... but just a wild guess
  2. Theres a few quests related to the east, south east & east of riften, and some really neat spots, the roads leading to morrowind & cyrodiil usally had those NPC's of the races, high elves kajiit orcs, thalmar imperials etc. A watch tower for the vigilants of stendarr etc. But the fort looks pretty huge, hopefuly its easy to navigate and has an armory you can interact with, akitchen, sleeping quarters training rooms/yards alchemy enchanting, maybe a blacksmith and whatnot for a shopkeep ? And when you get to be the leader a good sized room with a wardrobe, chest, a few maniquins, weapon racks, plaques the whole she-bang. and hopefully you can recruit and randomly get attacked by varrying waves of the the undead/vampires ? looks like the vamps have a few lesser & greater monsters on their side. Also new weapons armor and staves ? probably just faction related, but i dont always play with the best armor & weapons. When i do quest lines like the civil war i usally wear according armor & whatnot, also i saw in the civil war disscussion that it would of been nice to see a family war torn or something like that ?.. the grey manes and battle borns are torn, where you have to rescue the son from the fortress, and some other stuff/quests like that as well.
  3. Werewolf for dawnguard is a cool idea, just because of the classic werewolf VS vampire, but personally i don't play any creature or evil sided character, simply because I usually play a heavy armored paladin (either one-handed sword & shield or two handed greatsword, maybe restoration or maybe archery, right now my mainperks are heavy armor, smithing, two handed, enchanting, and a little bit of block.) or noble knight, sometimes a mercanary or monster hunter killing werewolves, vampires, trolls, undead etc. If i do end up getting dawnguard though ( hard pressed for cash, lost my job might have a new one at sobeys and my kids gunna be here in 6 days or less ) but if i do get it, i'll probably play vampire at least once to see how the storyline is, i didnt know about the upgradeable fort, which sounds totally bitching. I love things like that, i cant wait for online TES either, assembling an order or warriors, with a few priests and sharpshooters, guards and the like, all performing their duties sending out raids on other players bandit kings or theives dens and the like. Any information about the fort for the dawnguard ?
  4. Nord for the dawnguard all the way, and i guess wood elf for the vampire lord, call me predjiduce, but dark elf seems to suit vampire better, or maybe kajihit?
  5. I'll probably never play vamp, simply because I hate all of those blood sucking creeps, but also because I want to kill them all, which i guess goes hand in hand with the other one...either way crossbows, finally<3 Armored troll follwer for a vampire lord ?.. I can see it working, kind of like your own little frankenstein minion to maul things, like a henchmen for your evil vampiric lord.
  6. Ok, so, hearing that you are divided into factions, and you also have to pick classes (warrior, rouge, mage etc.) i was thinking this is bullshit, that it takes away everything TES worked for right ? I got thinking about it, and its going to be EPIC ( i know it's cliched, but i don't use the term loosely lol.) Think about it, how many people are going to be playing on one server ?? your going to have people playing as townsfolk, guards, they could make professions from blacksmithing, enchanting etc. It's going to be a MASSIVE war. think about it, all the holds are going to be taken over more or less, whiterun is gaurenteed to be the home of some crazy horselord, with all the plains surrounding it, they can use horsemen for guerilla tactics, and they'll know of any invading threats due to the cavalry always scouting their lands. Riften is going to turn into a huge crime area, the criminals are going to take over the whole rift. Also, the rift is dotted with all kinds of forts & towers, A bandit king will rise to power and swarm over the whole rift. markarth is going to be HUGELY contested, along with solitude & windhelm they'll be the 3 main warrior towns, we'll actually have to guard our belongings from theives actually be worried about assassins and bandits. just think,ok, no one knows this trail here, i'll be fine, then BAM a group of enimies, two archers hit your backside, while two light armored skirmishers flank you while a heavy armor tank comes right at you, game over bro, game over, Mercanaries will be highly valued, and thus yet another favorite trade for people, possibly even entire mercany troop leaders selling themelves to war & plunder, huge cavalry,infantry,archers/crossbows, legions against legions intense town to town battles... This is gunna be good.
  7. Nightingale gets my vote for light armor, I like steel armor as well, but my number one favorite armor is the sleek strength of Pure ebony armor & weapons
  8. It does have some really nice secenery, and a bit of everything for hunting. thr south and south east parts of the map aaround riften are really nice, towers of stendarr vigilants to maim (if your one of those daedra worshippers..) camps, god knows how many forts, so mad money.
  9. I never really found any hard to navigate, wildhelm is simple, just four corners, bada boom bada bing, the hardest to navigate is markarth i guess.... I've just the type of person you can parachute into a forest blind folded and i'd find my way out licketey split, but i'm redneck so i guess that helps ? haha. My favorite cities...ah....I like riften ok, but not huge on it, My favorite is markarth, i like the whole "helms deep" feel of it plus i'm more into defense strategies than offense, so a near impregnable city is a big plus for me, plus towers to defend & keep sentries at is really nice for me, plus theres always combat Not far from the city against swarms of enimies, so plenty of training & money there. Its got alot of interesting quests & Theres a few daedric princes lurking around the city. I also like Windhelm for the Big game hunting and artifacts and ruins around it, plus it has like 3 general traders, the smith (includind the smelter) spellslingers & alchemists. Easy to get around and probably my favorite house by far, secret room, 3 manaqueins and plenty of weapon racks, plauqes, display cases etc, I always have ALOT of weapons, and like 3 sets of armor, I collect every war axe I can find, I like having Steel armor, Steel plate armor, Ebony armor, Nord hero amor, and maybe a set of fur armor for hunting. I like solitude, the house has 2 manaquins a few plaques etc its nice, the safe and all, it has the fletcher when i want to play as a bowman, and im a big customer at radient raiment for roleplaying purposes, plus its a nice place to pick up alot of enchantments.1.Markarth2.Windhelm3.Solitude
  10. I can't seem to marry Ria of the companions, i'm the harbringer etc, journied with her, but dialouge appears to marry her, Is this also a glitch or am i missing something i need to do in order to marry her ?
  11. Well, i'm not going to say too much.. But it all started with a 40 oz of crown royal, ( or Jack daniels as i was told followed by RNR royal reserve whiskey.) followed by about 15 fat coco puffs, insane speeding, me almost getting bear maced and shot, attemtping to jump out a moving vehicle window to beat up some guy who i thought was someone else, burning cars by accident etc etc, and half way through it, we ended up at some harbour at night time, which i power puked, like you know when you use a garden hose on medium pressure ? where it just fans out everywhere ? it was like that, but with alot more force, and out of my nose too. It was white, i dont remember what it smelledlike, and there was alot of blood in it. It made a guy about 12 feet away from me that i was with puke on his buddys' shoes, which were brand new nikes, which then promptly were thrown into the harbour, i passed out about 3 times in 5 minutes, slammed the car door on my finger, which immidietly started bleeding turned purple, i woke up the next morning wondering why my thumb hurt, looked at it, and it was almost pure black, had a big gash in it full of clotted blood, andmy thumb nail was almost hanging by a thread, and it had a bunch of weird sticky squishy black red/ stuff in it.... still not sure about it, 100 other things happened that night three nearly four years ago, and i'm still hearing about it to this day = P
  12. The quest blood on the ice in windhelm, I tried to sell the amulet to calixto, but his house was always locked prior to killing him... so i couldn't so i continued progressing the quest assuming i could get rid of it or something. Well, quest is over and im stuck with it in my inventory. Im assuming theres no other way to get rid of it, but if anyone knows could they tell me ? I know with the elder scroll you can give it to the mages colledge librarian, I tried giving it to the court wized the unliving in windhelm, tried placing it different places in calixtos house, but nothing.... any help would be great ?
  13. So, i was playing as a kajihit, and then I realized you do an additional 15 damage with claws ( though im not sure the base damage of hand-to-hand attacks...) plus the heavy armor perk for damage from gauntlets, plus hand-to-hand enchantments, would do great damage, though no block or armor from a shield. Is there a way to tell how much your hitting for hand-to-hand damage ? or a ay to increase it ? like would one handed perks increase it all does anyone know ? i don't beleive it would, i just miss the hand-to-hand skill from oblivion.
  14. Just skimming real quick, been busy 24/7 seemingly the last few weeks, can someone give me a definition/description of what a blog is.
  15. Hey, I save multiple characters on skyrim (so I don't start over when I get bored with one type of character ex: Archer,hunter,assassan,barbarian,bandit,soldier,knight,skirmisher etc) The current one i'm playing as is a merchant/civilan. I put all the points i can into speech, He's not much at all for combat, no armor just clothing. A one handed weapon at times, but no perk upgrades yet. I want to avoid dungeouns and caves & whatnot for gold, I do alchemy for gold buying from shops and creating potions so that way I can avoid the combat aspect (when combat is involved I hire mercanaries.) I know enchanting & mining & using transmute and cutting wood & brawling are things I can do, hunting as well, but i'm wondering if anyone can think of anything else where i play a non-combative, non-hunting/mining etc, things i can do in town to turn a profit, preferably by buying/selling/trading/bartering. I'm open to any suggestions. & does anyone know if when it says for the perk "can sell any item to any merchant" if that includes stolen items ?? I appreciate any & all input on this matter ! thanks !
  16. Backs over racks ! you may take that however you like.....that as well
  17. Personally, I like browser based MMO's, if I can find a good one anyways. I found this one swords & potions on Kongregate & I like it quite a bit. It's not your typical MMO, your actually a merchant in fantasy medieval, theres 4 main workers you can hire, a blacksmith, Carpenter, Tailor & sorceress. They each can craft their own types of items armor & weapons, and you have to stock inventory so you can sell it to your customers, later on you can also get thugs, to spy on, vandalize, Intimidate, or even preform burglaries on other merchants, you can get shop upgrades, your employees can work together to build items, and you can create or join guilds with other online players. I find it quite off the beaten path for MMO's or most games at that, but I guess thats why I like it, if your into this sort of game, or your even just bored, make a free account real quick on kongregate and try out Swords & Potions !
  18. Yeah, i forget that theres, 9, i could count them all, just used to saying 8 now that skyrim has it drilled in my brain, thanks !
  19. Hey, can anyone give me a relatively detailed description of the 8 divines & their beliefs etc, also, the difference between Kyne and Kynareth ?
  20. Yeah, festus was definately my favorite DB member....After killing everyone outside i saw the tree and was just like...well damn, i thought he would be too busy talking the Imperials into the ground about how rude the invading whippersnappers were them just cast some sort of nuke spell to wipe them all out...However, when you kill the DB for the 3,000$ you kill Astrid, Gabrielle, Nazir, Festus, I don't remember if you kill the werewolf, and I know Bobette isn't there ( I'm guessing shes removed since you can't kill kids...) Can anyone reassure me who gets away ?
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