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Death Knight

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Posts posted by Death Knight

  1. The restoration spells you get from the dawnguard, is there any other way to get them asides from joining them ? or are they unique like the crossbow ? and i almost never play mages in anything, but i've taken a liking to the colledge, is there any way to make your own staff ? or get any undead killing spells asides from joining the dawnguard ? im using one handed, restoration & enchanting so far.
  2. Sounds good to me..was that the dark elf mage ? and its near a base of a mountain and that hunters rufuge area ?& every now and then I like to move my hideout around, i've ravaged most of whiteruns country side now collecting souls for enchanting, even thier chickens and cows>=) I suspect ill head north soon so drelas cottage could be a good choice, but like I say i'm always looking for new hideouts, thanks though i'll check it out it sounds great.Found it, and love it the only thing is that i can't sleep for the bonus or wait to pretend that i'm sleeping haha, other than that it was great, thanks !

  3. Hey everyone, once in awhile i like to play as a bandit, assassin, necromancer, evil human etc (Right now i'm a necromancer, clothing, no armor, using conjuration, destruction & enchanting mainly, i dabble a little bit in alchemy. I also have a mace to bludgeoun inncoent villagers with, then reanimate their bodies and make families fight to the death because i'm a souless monster :) I'm currently holed up in south/north brittleshin pass so i can terrorize both falkreath & whiterun hold during the cover of night. its got a bed or a hay pile rather, enchanting table, a barrel to store food, apothecary satchel to store my ingredients & potions. no alchemy table though, does anyone know of any good caves, forts, mines etc anywheres relatively close to civilization (to pillage and experiment on) that has a place to sleep with an enchanting table & alchemy station ? those three are a must, blacksmith forge, grindstone, workbench, tanning rack, dressers, chests, cupboards, wardrobes, bookshelves, fireplaces with cooking pots etc are all bonuses. Any explorers out there that can remember any places like that ? A quick response would be appreciated, but not needed.

  4. Does anyone know exactly how bound weapons work for damage ? If using a bound battle axe, would my two handed skill dictate it's effects and damage ? and same with bound bow sword etc. Or is it just mystic binding that upgrades them for damage and what % does it increase the damage by ? and is anyone aware of all the bound weapon types by chance ?

  5. Hey guys, I was just wondering if anyone knew anything about the dragon infusion perk ? after you give esbern the dragon bone & scale he'll give you a perk that grants the dragon infusion perk, i cant find it in the skill tree, nor active effects shouts powers etc, does anyone know what it does ?
  6. Not if my fortress full of monster hunters has anything to say about it ! i'll take over one of those forts that has a blacksmith, workbench, grindstone and tanning rack, along with an enchanting table, and alchemy table, some prision cells would be nice ( which i really hope implement in this somehow. ) we'll have a mage designated for alchemy and one for enchanting. A blacksmith or two. archers, skirmishers & Knights & paladins, a holy order, not dawnguards, not vigilants, just better. Hunt trolls, daedra, vampires, werewolves, dragons, argonians, any blight upon skyrim, any monster/creature etc and keep skyrim safe from all supernatural threats. Taking contracts, & tips from civilians etc.

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  7. I started working nightshift recently, so on my nights off i dont have much to do around the house so i kind of loaf around, read, play the xbox, work out, meditate, and start spending more time on here, so to personalize my profile a bit more, I put some photos up of around my hometown, well, village is a more accuate term, some animals etc, check them out if you feel like it any comments would be appreciated whereas I love where i grew up. I guess alot of folk can say that, but i've always felt a connection to this place, like some sort aura like i'm a part of it, as much as the trees and rocks birds and critters around here are. It's difficult for me to fully explain, but I hope everyone enjoys the pictures !-Sir Gregory

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  8. Theres a few quests related to the east, south east & east of riften, and some really neat spots, the roads leading to morrowind & cyrodiil usally had those NPC's of the races, high elves kajiit orcs, thalmar imperials etc. A watch tower for the vigilants of stendarr etc. But the fort looks pretty huge, hopefuly its easy to navigate and has an armory you can interact with, akitchen, sleeping quarters training rooms/yards alchemy enchanting, maybe a blacksmith and whatnot for a shopkeep ? And when you get to be the leader a good sized room with a wardrobe, chest, a few maniquins, weapon racks, plaques the whole she-bang. and hopefully you can recruit and randomly get attacked by varrying waves of the the undead/vampires ? looks like the vamps have a few lesser & greater monsters on their side. Also new weapons armor and staves ? probably just faction related, but i dont always play with the best armor & weapons. When i do quest lines like the civil war i usally wear according armor & whatnot, also i saw in the civil war disscussion that it would of been nice to see a family war torn or something like that ?.. the grey manes and battle borns are torn, where you have to rescue the son from the fortress, and some other stuff/quests like that as well.

  9. Werewolf for dawnguard is a cool idea, just because of the classic werewolf VS vampire, but personally i don't play any creature or evil sided character, simply because I usually play a heavy armored paladin (either one-handed sword & shield or two handed greatsword, maybe restoration or maybe archery, right now my mainperks are heavy armor, smithing, two handed, enchanting, and a little bit of block.) or noble knight, sometimes a mercanary or monster hunter killing werewolves, vampires, trolls, undead etc. If i do end up getting dawnguard though ( hard pressed for cash, lost my job might have a new one at sobeys and my kids gunna be here in 6 days or less ) but if i do get it, i'll probably play vampire at least once to see how the storyline is, i didnt know about the upgradeable fort, which sounds totally bitching. I love things like that, i cant wait for online TES either, assembling an order or warriors, with a few priests and sharpshooters, guards and the like, all performing their duties sending out raids on other players bandit kings or theives dens and the like. Any information about the fort for the dawnguard ?

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