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Death Knight

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Posts posted by Death Knight

  1. I just enjoy playing skyrim in the morning with a coffee or two, asides from working I usually spend my time fishing, or training in muay thai & brazlilian Jiu Jitsu, go for jogs, work out a few times a week etc, I used to be addicted though aha, but I just don't have the time to be anymore so it's just a morning thing =)

  2. It does pretty good for now, I didn't see a cooking pot or grindstone, but this will work very well for now! There is often seeming to be world events happening nearby, like thalmor vs Stormcloaks etc, helps to level the conjuration.

    If anyone knows of any other liveable dungeons tat have full blacksmiths, arcane enchanters cooking pot and a bed ( I know it's a lot ) I'd be happy to know!

    Thanks again, David!

  3. Hey guys, haven't been on here in long time... But I was wondering if anyone knew any dungeons I can live in? Preferably a small fortress, or a house, even a cave would do, but I will be playing as a dark knight, so heavy armor, two-handed, conjuration, enchanting etc. 

    I'll need it to a a place to cook, sleep, enchant and smith. I can't think of any good places off the top of my head, and couldn't find much on the internet, so when I get stumped I always come here!!

    I carry most all my possessions with me so storage isn't a huge deal, but so long as I visit the dungeon within 7 days not of my stored loot will disappear, right?

  4. So I play as a heavy armored orc, I use a shield, sword(crit for single combat), war axe( bleeding damage for multiple targets), mace(for combating heavies) & bow(for hunting and softening up targets or administering poisons from a distance before the real combat begins). I also smith and use alchemy (very few points in alchemy & archery so far, it's more of a back up.) I live stronghold to stronghold, pillaging farms, raiding settlements with my Clans-men ( followers that I gear up in orcish equipment.) I only take food, gold, smithing materials & alchemy ingredients etc (that way when I make potions & new equipment I can turn stolen items into an honest profit :P) Between all the strongholds, they have a master block, ,master one handed, expert illusion, expert heavy armor, all kinds of training you'd want plus more (just can't remember right now.) I basically spend all my money on ingredients & smithing materials and training to constantly better myself above all enimies of my clan. If you like orcs, it's a very addicting Roleplay/lifestyle. I always make sure he only eats meat, cheeses, milk etc, only animal related products and sleeps regularly.Some activites to do as a Tribal Orc:-Attacking travellers on the road-Butchering animals from farms/towns etc, for food for your tribe-Mounting full scale attacks on cities with your allied orcs-Raiding small towns for food, gold, ingredients, make a name for the orcs etc. (riverwood, karthwasten, rorikstead, etc)-Clearing out caves/fortresses etc near your stronghold to ensure it's safety.-Mine ore for payment.-Be a wise orc (more magicka based, alchemy etc)-Hunt to bring food for your tribe.All kinds of things to do, just takes a little creativity and it can keep you busy for hours

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  5. Some lives/roles I like to play as:-Mercenary: Sleeping at inns eating sleeping regularly, never settle down, just aim to be tamriels best warrior. Smithing, two handed, heavy armor, enchanting.-Merchant: Hire a follower that I jack up with the sweetest gear I can get my fingers on, pretty much everything goes into speech, maybe a little lockpicking, I'll use a one handed weapon, with very few perks.-Hunter: Live in the wilderness in my cabin, hunt kill eat etc. I like to take my pelts, horns, extra food etc to town to barter with (living this way, or as a farmer, you get very little gold making it challenging, and thus fun if you roleplay sleeping & eating regularly.)-Thief, self explanatory.-Monster/Demon Hunter, Kill every troll, dragon, daedra, undead, drauger, ghost, elf, (did i say that out loud....) any evil creature really.-Learner/student: Work sorely on things like enchanting & alchemy, read alot of books, always try to unravel mysteries learn everything I can etc.

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  6. Well, taking fortified locations is always a good strategy, you can cut off supply lines forestall advances etc. & i think they wanted the civil war questline possibly to be a  little more "realistic" than fantasy. that way you have a broader spectrum of each genre rolled into one game? You have to really look sometimes to see the effect of the civil war, but finding families or individuals dealing with the struggles the war has brought is always rewarding to the explorer.

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  7. This is always the hardest decision for me to make in any game, ever. But i usually end up with the stormcloaks. I mean the dirty retarded red guards could drive back the altmer. Why can't the nords? sure we'll be weakened from years of civil war, but in all seriousness, I think each person, and country, should have the freedom to live how they want, as well as die. Now, Ulfric. He's a cowardly little bitch. & I'm want to murder him as well, but if i join the stormcloaks I dont think this is possible unfortanately, i like his cause to make skyrim free again from imperial rule, living in the old ways etc. but i don't like how he's power hungry, talks tough but surrenders like a coward when he has a sword pointed in his chest. He's a hypocrite for that going on about how the emperor did that. One thing i'll give him credit for, sort of, is how he killed the high king, walking in to the capital and doing that, Big Brass Balls. Stupid though since tarygg would hqve eventually agreed with ulfrics cause, proving again that ulfrics power hungry, he does have a way with words though. Galmar, now he's a true nordic badass<3

  8. Best: Aela the Huntress

    Hottest: Aela the Huntress (If only Hroki was marriagable...)

    Most Money: All make the same amount, but adventurer wives such as Aela the Huntress and Mjoll the Lioness bring their shops with them, allowing you supplies on the fly.

    Outfit that makes Aela the Huntress awesome: Forsworn Armor



    Your house has either been the set for Three Guys One Horse, or there's been a horrible misunderstanding thanks to a glitch.


    Welcome to Elder Souls, by the way. I'm Squishyman, and I'm probably the third most influential member in this community at the moment, behind Traaginen and Blexun.


    If you're wondering who the best husband is, I can't remember his name, but he's some Argonian miner who you rescue.

    Argonian miner that you...resc...ue? but... it's not a nord, or the lesser nords, imperials. It's a young smelly scaly dirty dragon and should be brutally mudered before it grows up. This is all =)

  9. So, I finally made the perfect family house. Full blown kitchen, bedrooms, and a trophy room to display my hunting prowess. Then I decided to cook supper. & I realized I cant milk my cow for milk, the chicken egg takes like a week to respawn? & butter, how does one aquire this ? & Salt piles? oy vey..

    I'm sure i could travel to whiterun & such to buy these ingrediants one, or two at a time maybe, but i tried killing my cow, no milk, but i did notice i had 7 milk in my cupboard in my kitchen, so does it restock over time? and how often? but chicken eggs, butter, salt piles, milk. Anyone know anything about how to obtain them easily, and possibly without buying them so i can live off the land entirely? Ive got the skyrim guide that includes DG & HF, but it's not much help.

  10. Theres one outside of windhelm on the right near where you find the wolf... Annnnd Theres another one by the mill near windhelm, follow the road up from the mill till you find the campsite, the waterfall there go behind and just left of the strongbox is a hidden chest, and a leveled battle axe, both invisible, should also be a heavy armor helmet there as well, the battleaxe should be enchanted.

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  11. I picked the amulet of talos off of Rogvirs dead body after he was excuted when you enter solitude, but i cant drop it now, i tried getting another one, now ive got two of them stuck in my inventroy, ( im on xbox btw ) is there a related quest i can do to get rid of them ? or anything like that.
  12. I tend to hunt down all types of scum elves, not just the thalmar. Orcs, wood elves, snow elves, dark elves high elves, if i found a dwarf, it would be impaled as well, i cant explain why i hate elves, i jsut do... Just like i was born with a burning passion to rid the world of hookers = D

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