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Blog Comments posted by Tristan

  1. really trying to get around to doing this... but sometimes it's impossible to get myself to start on it, and when I do it's usually in the middle of the night when I'm super sleepy. I really want to at least finish the first chapter... but not right now lol.

  2. Lol, yeah murphy is probably going to have some kind of ironic death that fits his personality. I just haven't thought of anything for him yet, if he does die. I had actually changed it, but my internet cut out and the stupid thing didn't save.

  3. I'm going to try and stay serious about this one, and not let it rot like my other blogs, but if I don't update it in a week or so don't give up on me. I'll say when I'm done with it.


    On a separate note, who all thinks the world will end in a zombie apocalypse? 

  4. The most common thing I have to keep saying to ALL my friends is "STOP! sending me stupid requests in Blahblahblah and STOP! blowing up my damn notifications, DAMNIT, I don't want to play you're stupid ass game Farmville or what the fuck ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and this happens every two days, you'd think they'd learn...

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