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    XsG MoRpHiiNe

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I'm in; I dunno how seriously I'll take it, though, since midterms run next week for me >_>
  2. Duly noted, thank you. I'm not all that familiar with using tinypic; I'm posting the pics, but if they expire, someone respond and tell me so and I'll try again
  3. I don't like personal attacks, and I don't like calling people out, but in this case it appears to be necessary. DovarKing (his in-game name) was in the clan chat, and tried to convince me that there was a glitch if you went to the border of the wilderness, jumped across, and let yourself die of poison with 2 mil in your money pouch, it would increase to 3 mil. When I suggested he post this "incredible secret" for his guildmates to see (yeah, right), he said he didn't want the secret getting out; when I asked how stupid he thought I was, he signed out in a hurry. In the interest of a clean community, I request his removal, ASAP. If he wants to contest this, I have screenshots saved -Jubi
  4. What is your primary RuneScape account's name? JubileeJones Your account's combat and total/overall level? Combat: 103 Total: 1741 Have you ever been in a clan before? If so, which one(s)? Nope. Where did you hear about TRR? On the clan recruitment forums over at tip.it What were your first impressions of us? Laid back clan; not as bloodthirsty as some of the others, but still enthusiastic players. Why do you wish to join our clan? A few reasons; I'm getting back in to the game after a year or two, and it'll make hunting stuff easier and more fun if I have a group of people I get to know. Also, citadels look kinda interesting.
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