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Eric the Bard

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Eric the Bard last won the day on May 17 2016

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About Eric the Bard

  • Birthday 08/12/1995

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    I got no aim...
  • Jabber
    the Hut

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    No longer on the couch, I'm at the computer now.
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  1. I'd recommend everyone to watch Planet Terror. One of the few movies that actually made me cry. Not in a good way though.

    1. Blake


      Seen it in a double feature, along with Death Proof.

      Best scene: When that guys head blows up.

    2. Eric the Bard

      Eric the Bard

      I really liked the girls with a machine gun as a leg. Or actually, it changed weapon a few times. I also liked how it was very different how many shots the zombies took to die. One zombie got shot like 10-20 times, while others died after one shot, no matter where you shot them.

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