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Everything posted by Darklandlord

  1. Nothing except a barbeque with my unit. I sent my girlfriend flowers and a teddy bear though lol.
  2. tightt but the why not on a weekend? -.-
  3. Sounds good i'm in no rush. It'd be nice if there was a clan event where we could all meet each other. Kindof like an In-clan war then some type of other event that everyone would enjoy.
  4. Thumbs up for the war. Only way to settle any disputes.
  5. Thanks haha, well yea. This is my second main clan, my first actual was called Demolition and I made it to High Council. Then when that clan died after about a year I started to mess with pures and made a pure clan called Brutality Pures which held up for about a year and a half made it to the top 10 and everyone had a maxed out stat. And i'm in the U.S. marines so i mean i can try to implement certain tactics and stuff. Also my main would be a higher combat level if it wasnt for all the PKing i did with it and my pure. Im just now starting to work on quests, skills, and my combat level.Sorry for the essay but yea let me know >> Ci vs X we had about 150 guys on each side. My clan was the one charging the death dot. That war was a mess but it was fun to have so many people in that event.
  6. Yea Brad, I figured diplomat was the clan's term for a Warlord. But whenever you guys are looking for a Warlord i'll try my best to get the position. Just let me know how.p.s. I know I just joined but still
  7. Thanks for accepting me. I can't get into the clan chat in RS or IRC. Help me outt
  8. What is your primary RuneScape account's name? Darklandlord Your account's combat and total/overall level? Combat: 94 Total: 1217 Have you ever been in a clan before? If so, which one(s)? I can't remember if Ive been in any clan other than a pure clan. I think I was in 'The' clan for a bit, 'Demolition', and Cutthroat Syndicate throughout the year and a half I played on this account. I led a pure clan for about 2 years into the Top 10 called Brutality Pures. Where did you hear about TRR? RSC What were your first impressions of us? I like you're forums. I haven't gotten an impression yet besides the fact you have some good appearance so far. Why do you wish to join our clan? I want to do something other than skill while I play RuneScape. You should have a section here that allows the applicant to tell you a little about them. But anyway, I dont have any intent on clan hopping and I just want a community of people that I can talk and play rs with whenever I'm on.
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