Thanks haha, well yea. This is my second main clan, my first actual was called Demolition and I made it to High Council. Then when that clan died after about a year I started to mess with pures and made a pure clan called Brutality Pures which held up for about a year and a half made it to the top 10 and everyone had a maxed out stat. And i'm in the U.S. marines so i mean i can try to implement certain tactics and stuff. Also my main would be a higher combat level if it wasnt for all the PKing i did with it and my pure. Im just now starting to work on quests, skills, and my combat level.Sorry for the essay but yea let me know
>> Ci vs X we had about 150 guys on each side. My clan was the one charging the death dot. That war was a mess but it was fun to have so many people in that event.