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Everything posted by kuro970

  1. Whenever i play i keep finding huge groups of dwarven automation walking around the world. they keep poping up and are extremely op and 1 or 2 shot kill me whenever i try to fight. i end up having to /kill them all but then 5 minutes later i find another group of them. i have a lot of mods installed but i cant think of any that would make this happen list of mods: A Quality World Map amd Solstheim MapAlternate Start Live Another LifeBellyaches HD Dragon Replacer PackBetter Dialogue ControlsBetter JumpingBetter Landscape TexturesBetter VampiresBrawl BugsBreezehome Fully UpgradableCampfireClimates of TamrielCommand DragonConvenient HorsesDaedra LairDaedra of ColdharbourDaedra ReturnsDaedric Assassin ArmorDancing Crane KatanaDragon Combat OverhaulDragon KatanasDragon Soul RelinquishmentEnhanced Character EditEnhanced Wolf ModelsExtra Werewolf PerksFNIS Behaviour & SpellsForceful BashFrostfallFudou Myouou Katana and TachiFully Animated Meals PotionsGlowing Ore VeinsHothHunterbornImmersive CitizensImmersive TravelImperiousINIGOKynesguard and Daedra Hunter Weapons and ArmorKick BashLighting ENBLocational DamageLost LongswordsMasters of DeathMy Home is Your HomeMoonpath to ElsweyrMore Bandit CampsMore Draconic Dragon AspectNaruto Ultimate OverhaulNightingale Prime HDPredator VisionReal Flying Dragon WingsReal ShelterRealistic ForceRealistic Sun and SunglareRealistic WerewolvesRealistic Needs and DiseasesRevenge of the EnemiesScript DragonSilver Dragon ArmorSKSESkyrim UndeathSkyrim Weapon PositioningSkyUISMIMSOunds of Skyrim (Civilization, Dungeons, Wilds)Strong Vampiric DrainFlora Overhaul Summer EditionSword of the PhoenixTales of LycanthropyTame the Beasts of SkyrimTES5EditThe Notice BoardThe Paarthurnax DilemmaTyrael Armor and El druin SwordUltimate Follower OverhaulUnnoficial Patches (Skyrim, Hearthfire, Dawnguard, Dragonborn)Wearable LanternsWhen Vampires AttackWindcallersPassWyrmstoothPirates of SkyrimSkyrim WayshrinesElemental Destruction MagicImmersive HorsesTrue StormsImmersive MusicDragon Carved Armor SetFalskaarBosmer Armor PackSkyrim HD 2K TexturesImproved NPC ClothingTerrain BumpFur HoodsCloaks of SkyrimThe Legend of Eagles NestShadowmourneRustic ForswornDeadly DragonsRoyal BloodlineDaedric Reaper Armor 4KHorse ArmorsApachiiSkyHairFire and Ice OverhaulBecome Jarl of IvarsteadDeadly Spell ImpactsImmersive Spells and LightSpell ChargingSpell ChainingSmart CastApocalypse - Magic of SkyrimDance of DeathBalanced MagicLakeview ExtendedPerkus MaximusFISSThe Last AltarMoonlight Tales EssentialsDouble Cursor Fix83Willows 101BUGsAuroraBetterDarkBrotherhoodBlaze Of EventideConjurable ChestContractior ArmorDaedric CrossbowDragonbone CrossbowFalmer CrossbowDreamburrows Regal Assassin ArmorGifts of the OutsiderHarvest OverhaulImmersive ArmorsNighteye Illusion SpellNo sneak attack soundNordic Ranger OutfitOne Handed CrossbowsRecruit More BladesRitual Armor of BoethiahScoped Bows Ranger EditionSiege Crossbow CollectionSky Haven TeleporterSneak ToolsSummon Skeletal HordeTGBowsDrawFasterUFO - Ultimate Follower OverhaulNameless LightYgrayneSword of the SeekerEidolon's EdgeChase the DragonSkycutterDaedric DawnbreakerWisplickerAlbion SwordsHelgen RebornElemental DragonsArchery Gameplay OverhaulOrdinator
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