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Everything posted by Lion5690

  1. Hi there ^.^Yet another player who's combat way exceeds mine XDAlso another old player. I used to play 6 years ago and a year later I started going on only for holiday events since I had been training my woodcutting for weeks straight until I drove myself crazy and had to quit ha ha. But I went up over 40 levels :)Seeing the new format of everything seems pretty weird. I'm still pretty used to the old one.It's to meet you. I hope to see you on runescape soon ^.^
  2. Hi addison ^.^P2P is definitely the best. Come do quests with me or skill sometime ^.^Nice to meet you.
  3. I've been playing runescape on and off for years. I just came back recently so I don't really understand some stuff.I love to do quests and train thieving and construction. I like all other skills too, so if anyone wants to train together that'd be awesome.I don't really understand how to join the clan chat, so I hope you'll all bear with me ^.^;Its nice to meet you
  4. What is your primary RuneScape account's name? Lion5690 Your account's combat and total/overall level? Combat: 45 Total: 725 Have you ever been in a clan before? If so, which one(s)? Yes. I was in Arisos Where did you hear about TRR? Googled clans on Google and was redirected to it from a forum. What were your first impressions of us? That you were the type of people that substituted "z" for "s". (And then that you seemed friendly) Why do you wish to join our clan? I like doing things in a group (since I'm a skiller), or at least chatting with people while I play. Specifically, this clan seems to be very friendly, active, and basically interesting in all aspects.
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