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Everything posted by cantthinkofone

  1. Ordered best to worst Redguard <First off, they look like beasts and fight like them too. Although their Adrenaline rush isn’t too useful, their stats are great. They start off with great one handed, and good archery, block, and smithing. with magic they start with good atltereatiomn and destruction. Overall a good balanced race that can do it all.> Wood Elf< Wood elves may not look the coolest and there starting powers isn’t amazing but they are naturally gifted archers so if you want a great archer wood elf is the way to go.> Khajit <Cats are cool. Great thiefs.> Argonian <Lizards are cool. Greta thiefs and fighters. Dark Elf <Tyhey may look a bit sketchy but are great thieves and destruction mages.> High Elf <Best mage in the game, but look really weird and are not very nice in the storyline.> Nord <Skyrim natives. Great warriors. Not the best archers or mages though.> Imperial <Too basic, money isn’t that hard to find, and don’t be a wuss and calm enemies down, FIGHT THEM! XD> Orc Ugly but good hardcore warriors.> Breton <Meh>
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