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Everything posted by magicakatie

  1. hey everybody!

    1. Fergal


      I remember you!

    2. Brad


      and what makes you so magical then? :P hot many times have you been asked that?

    3. magicakatie


      i remember you too! and i'm just magical :P

  2. fergal! i remember you shut up tynisa.
  3. the sorta is cause i'm probably only gonna be on on rainy days... so i never know how often. maybe late nights, we'll see.
  4. What is your primary RuneScape account's name? magicakatie Your account's combat and total/overall level? Combat: p2p lvl 89 Total: 1271 Have you ever been in a clan before? If so, which one(s)? ummm... can't remember the name Where did you hear about TRR? it was a long time ago What were your first impressions of us? awesome clan with alot of people to talk to Why do you wish to join our clan? it's very entertaining and i love the members
  5. magicakatie


    i AM BACK!well sorta...
  6. hey! add me ^_^ leave a comment too :D

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Blakelington


      was wondering where you went...

    3. Coty530


      He's not a badcow he's a crazy cow...gah!

    4. magicakatie


      blakelington... you sound familiar... did i used to hate you?

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