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Everything posted by Smeeprocket

  1. teso elite is pretty good too. http://www.tesoelite.com/ it's a guild, but their forums are open and they have done all these great resource things, and are working on apps, etc.
  2. that second link just sends me to my mail
  3. seems like it would be hard to keep up with. For the crafter guild I know I withdraw and deposit compulsively to get rid of items that haven't stacked. Here's is my concern about dropping gear (at least past a certain level) for free in the guild bank. Normally I really like giving things to guildies, but the market system in ESO encourages you to sell to guildies. And if your guildmates go outside of guild they are met with outrageous prices. It seems like we should foster our own micro-economy by selling items at a reasonable rate, and coming to agreements as merchants as to what to price items at (not undercutting each other or selling at too high a price.) I haven't seen anyone else use the guild store yet and it would be good to encourage people to use it. I have been putting motifs for sale there for 600g (would prefer 500, but my profit is 450 or so at 600) I have 2 set pieces (viper) for low 20s for sale there for 200g each. People put a lot of set pieces in for free, so it does limit what I can get away with selling, but I want to try to sell more stuff so the store gets used! Edit: I should add that I really do like the idea over all though. I would be awesome for the crafter guild once the stacking issue is fixed.
  4. You probably already know but we have a crafting guild (gentlemen crafters) where we all pool our resources in the bank for everyone to use. Stripping the bank is verboten, of course. It is a great resource. I am working on all the skills, though primarily focusing on clothier and enchanting (which is a pita) so if anyone wants to leapfrog crafting, I am game.
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