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Everything posted by beryl94903

  1. Balance is key but humor is even more important. A respectful (to each other) unruliness is in order
  2. What do you mean by different "campaigns'? Isn't a quest the same for everyone or do you mean the task might be part of a different quest line? I'm not in a quest line, I just saw it and it looked cool. Should I assume that once the game is open to all users, more people will be available through the party searcher? I mean is it a matter of sophistication with the tool and available players from the prerelease who have leveled to 8 or whatever is the quest difficulty? Thank you for your help! Zone chat is not producing answers, just everyone asking questions LOL
  3. 1. what do you do if a party member shows up and they are a white arrow. Can you do anything about it? 2. To form a party when you happen upon a group quest site, are there hot keys so you can keep looking at new screens while in chat mode with party members? I have to manually exit the chat to view the party search feature. 3. Why is it so slow to find party initiates (as you will) using the search tool? 4. Is it bettr to just hang around the quest area and jump and wave your hands at others? Help.
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