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Everything posted by DiEGuild

  1. DiE welcomes applications from good team players. We are a PvP Guild with a 15 year history in MMO Gaming. We welcome new applicants as well as old members returning. While we strive to have round the clock gaming coverage with our members from all around the world, we are predominately based in the Oceanic region and field our largest force during the hours of 17:00 - 24:00 (GMT +10) 7 days per week. Guild History: • Date Created: July, 1999 • Current Guild Leader(s): Moon, Aelith, Marx. • Ultima Online, Dark Age of Camelot, World of Warcraft, Age of Conan, Warhammer: Age of Reckoning, Guild Wars 2 The Guild is currently preparing for the launch of The Elder Scrolls Online. General Recruiting Notes: 1) Is there a required amount of playtime for members of the guild? Is it mainly hardcore or casual? We are not super hardcore anymore but still take our gaming pretty seriously so we maximize our fun to playtime ratio. Having said that some of our members still play pretty hard. 2) What is your guild's play style? We are predominately a PvP Guild and we like to be very strategic in our play style which has held us in good stead in the past. We will partake in PvE as a means to achieve optimal gear or as the game requires it. 3) What are the goals of the guild? To be super competitive skill and strategy wise and continue our long standing tradition of structured game play. 4) How is the guild rank structure set up? We have three GM's but ultimate guild leadership ends with the founder (Moon). The two other GM's act as equal 2ic's. We have most core as officers for squad command, Veterans as previous game members and regular members who have completed a 3+ month satisfactory initiation. New members are our recruit rank. 5) Is the guild currently recruiting? And if so, how can I join? Yes we are always recruiting in an effort to build and maintain a PvP centric community looking to move to any MMO style game that offers in particular a Guild v Guild style PvP structure. Any good players who can follow orders are welcome to apply. If you are not a team player or cannot follow orders do not bother applying. 6) Do I have to play a certain class once I'm accepted? If the situation warranted it yes. However, prior to any launch of a game we usually conduct a voting poll and a self nomination period. This allows members to see how everyone is tracking and ensures we get a balanced representation. 7) Additional note: Our emphasis when we approach any guild called game is to be as competitive and unpredictable as possible in open WvW/RvR/GvG structures and maintain a strict chain of command. We have a fun but bloodthirsty attitude on the battlefield and relish the 'good' fights when we get them. If your passion is all about smashing your enemies and being the best you can be, then DiE is the place for you! Bullet Points and Achievements: • 15 Years of Gaming History, Focusing on PvP and RvR Campaigns • Very Organised and Strategic Guild with a Solid Long Term Core & Command Structure • First Guild to Solo Relic on Palomides (DAoC) • First Guild to Reach Guild Rank Cap (GR40) on Darklands & 3rd World Wide (WAR) • Ex-Titan Alliance Core Member & Undefeated 30-0 Record in WvW (GW2) • Major Games Include UO 99-02, DAoC 01-03, WoW 04-08, WAR 09-11, GW2 12-13 & TESO 14- To apply, please visit our recruitment page.
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