Avast, ye landlubbers. Here's an easy event for all ye good folk. What: Trawler Trip/Pirate Nautical Nonsense! When: Saturday, September 17th. @ 2-3 PM EST 7-8 GMT World: 88 Why: Joint Event between oru two Clans. Chest o' Details: Arrgh! It be pirate month and so all you land lubbers best be gettin yer booty to the trawler on the 20th day of this month! All boycotters will be subject, toa hangin! All ye who are chum at crafting should best instead bring swamp tar and bailing buckets! If ye are the pirate lord of crafting, bring a needle and repair the sails! For more info, click this here link! *ARR!!* http://www.tip.it/ru...age=trawler.htm After ye scurvy dogs loot yer catch for the evening, we'll be determining who is most fit to be the pirate lord, yargh! And after that, we'll be getting drunk, yarrghhh!! To be eligible to join the festivities, yee must reply to this here declaration in yer best pirate speak, even if you have ta fake it! All ye landlubbers so do not comply will walk the plank! So yeah, I don't have any days off that I know of but...we need some events so I'll just do my best to supply you guys with the goods, even though I'm no longer with us. [usually, I don't mean to be morbid haha.] Edit: Since nobody understood this shit last time I posted, I'll use my fucking decoder ring and make sense of the above gibberish. Trawler event, sign up using some bullshit pirate speak if you like. Wear your best pirate clothes and stuff, bring kegs of beer to dick around with afterword. We can have a costume competition to see who has the best outfit, winner gets 250k. [Yeah, it isn't much. Deal with it.] Swashbucklers: Tranger101 Zepherusbane Just Kaiden 85gangsta Landlubbers: Deus AWOL [unsure, really.] Merlin TIME CHART ----------------------------- 10:00 p.m. GMT Time (GMT) 6:00 p.m. Atlantic Time (GMT -4:00) 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time (GMT -5:00) 4:00 p.m. Central Time (GMT -6:00) 3:00 p.m. Mountain Time (GMT -7:00) 2:00 p.m. Pacific Time (GMT -8:00) 1:00 p.m. Alaskan Time (GMT -9:00) 12:00 Hawaii - Aleutian Time (GMT -10:00)