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Everything posted by Bloodline

  1. I play because it's fun to pk... Basically everything I do in the game is because it will benefit me in Pk'in. I love making people loose their pixels xD
  2. Hmm well of course there has to be physical attraction. Pretty eyes and a beautiful smile. Nothing less. If she has no booty... NEHAnyway once the easy part is done with....Someone that can keep up with me, my partying, my intellect, my randomness.Someone I can count on and well... I guess that's it
  3. Thank you! I very much appreciate that and take your time no rush
  4. Yeah it's a rather stupid story so I'd rather not talk about it :pp but but.... G2H
  5. Well that's ME! Bloodline KO haha and yes my skin is brown if you must know. HBB is HollaBack Boyz! My party crew... The people I hang out with and have fun with as well.. I'm 21 years young
  6. OMG this got me 99 hax0r in no time!
  7. Thanks guys! And well I know I said I would update daily but unfortunately I almost died over the weekend lol... Well it's not funny but still I'm here and well I have my Gravite 2H already and have been doing some pking with it already. I'm getting used to the switching since it requires a p2p style of switching going from rune scim to G2H. It's nothing fancy though and it seems to be working great.
  8. Type of Image / Size: width:400 pixels height:100 pixels or about that sizeImage: Anything that looks good, maybe tribal Capricorn sign in the background Main Text: Bloodline KO Subtext (if any): none TRR Logo (yes/no): if you can make it work Additional Comments: maybe blood on the letters? like blood drops or something i dont know Most Recent Past Request: I would really appreciate you giving it a go
  9. I know sorry I realized too late. I'll make a proper post
  10. Sure thing im already in FC so i guess now i just wait
  11. Normally I would just make my own sig for forums, but I recently had to wipe my laptop clean and Photoshop got deleted too.... I would like to know if anyone is down to make me a signature for the forums. I know I'm new and stuff, but I would definitely appreciate it!
  12. Well I am currently nerding Dung in the hopes that before the weekend is over I will be the proud owner of a G2H. I shall be updating my progress daily! Wish me luck!Current Dung Level: 53Goal: 65
  13. Well my name is Bloodline KO, but you can call me Blood for short. I am new to the clan and well I just wanna say hi to everyone Umm also I'd like to get an invite into the clan chat soon if it's not too much to ask
  14. [b]What is your primary RuneScape account's name? - Bloodline KO - Your account's combat and total/overall level?[/b] Combat: - 69 - Total: - 920 - [b]Have you ever been in a clan before? If so, which one(s)?[/b] - No - [b]Where did you hear about TRR?[/b] - RuneHQ - [b]What were your first impressions of us?[/b] - Seems like it could be fun, so why not give it a go? - [b]Why do you wish to join our clan?[/b] - I love having people to talk to, as well as friends to play with. I think this clan is active enough and might be a great experience for me to grow as a person AND RS player. -
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