Heres mine: SIFiIOSMKiPISQLSXPTJGjJNDMWTMJjMMTQRTWQUESEITUIMENVUMRUQDUURVIEFNXVNHVQRVWQWJIWNIWREWW [*]I built everything on my plans, minus the dungeon, (not high enough level yet), the formal gardens (they're regular gardens currently), and the throne room (not high enough lvl). [*]The Portal Chambers are next to the central Exit Portal due to efficiency. [*]I have no idea why the hell I put in two kitchens... [*]And the three bedrooms are 1 for me, 1 for the Demon Butler, and 1 for guests. [*]And the southern Formal Garden is a Menagerie, except it doesn't have it in the options.