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  1. Dammit, sorry i forgot one Questing: Explorer (50 quest points)
  2. Yeah i just figured its better off taking the 30 mins to blueprint out a house, then blow 500k trying to rebuild everything
  3. Heres mine: SIFiIOSMKiPISQLSXPTJGjJNDMWTMJjMMTQRTWQUESEITUIMENVUMRUQDUURVIEFNXVNHVQRVWQWJIWNIWREWW [*]I built everything on my plans, minus the dungeon, (not high enough level yet), the formal gardens (they're regular gardens currently), and the throne room (not high enough lvl). [*]The Portal Chambers are next to the central Exit Portal due to efficiency. [*]I have no idea why the hell I put in two kitchens... [*]And the three bedrooms are 1 for me, 1 for the Demon Butler, and 1 for guests. [*]And the southern Formal Garden is a Menagerie, except it doesn't have it in the options.
  4. 1. Go to RuneHQ House Planner for the House Planner. Its a pretty nifty tool to help plan your house. 2. Save your code that it gives you, and post it! 3. Have fun!
  5. I had a football practice today, or else I would've been there
  6. I totally agree, it shows that we truly are a Community Clan.
  7. Thinking about ways to recruit, what if we did a parade? We could all wear the same clothing, (something easy), with matching clan capes and vexillums. And we would march down a populated area in a F2P or P2P world. Its bound to attract tons of attention!Just a fun idea
  8. So recently I got into the construction skill. To make a long story short, I blew 2.2mill on my house (which was all my money). It took me months to make it all back. And now I'm beginning to want to do some more work on my house. Those throne rooms aren't going to build themselves you know...So what is you biggest waste of money in RS? It could be an item, scam, skill, clan, etc.
  9. Waynes world, waynes world, party time, excellent
  10. Hunter and Firemaking. I remember the premiere of Hunter, and there was 2000 people on the beach trapping birds. Now, everyone i know just use it as a "vacation" skill, something else to do while you take a break from money making or skilling. Sorry, Firemaking just speaks for itself. No offense to anyone that ACTUALLY likes FM out there
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