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Posts posted by Repuslive

  1. People are always going to have something to complain about. Me personally i would prefer having the wilderness and free trade over rendering bots irrelevant. This is because the main reason i quit rs for more than 3 years was because Jagex took the Real wilderness away. People are always going to bot so there is almost nothing anyone can do about them. I was doing nothing but Pking before Jagex took the wilderness away and its the reason i quit the game. Now thats its back i plan on getting back into the wilderness as much as possible.

  2. My name is Devin and im 19 years old and live in Detroit, Michigan. I recently have gotten married and had a kid so that has cut into my playing time greatly. I work a full time job and love sports. Ill talk sports all day with anyone. I play baseball and basketball on my free time when im not playing rs. I guess thats just the basics. If you have any questions about me dont be afraid to ask.

  3. [*]RuneScape Name: Repuslive

    [*]Forum Name: Heie15

    [*]Combat Level: 133 P2p / 124 F2p

    [*]Total Level:2070

    [*]Your Timezone:Est

    [*]How You Found Us:Rsc

    [*]Previous Clan: Genesis Knights. Pheonix Elites. Deathrow. All pvp clans

    [*]First Impressions:Great site. Active irc is very important to me and as soon as i joined your irc there was people talking.

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