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Everything posted by Repuslive

  1. As the sports illistrated reporter peter king said. I could see the lions being a super bowl upset this year.
  2. I agree with you on that. Im just sayin me personally would rather have the wilderness and free trade.
  3. People are always going to have something to complain about. Me personally i would prefer having the wilderness and free trade over rendering bots irrelevant. This is because the main reason i quit rs for more than 3 years was because Jagex took the Real wilderness away. People are always going to bot so there is almost nothing anyone can do about them. I was doing nothing but Pking before Jagex took the wilderness away and its the reason i quit the game. Now thats its back i plan on getting back into the wilderness as much as possible.
  4. No Definatly not a state boy. Blue and Gold all the way.
  5. My name is Devin and im 19 years old and live in Detroit, Michigan. I recently have gotten married and had a kid so that has cut into my playing time greatly. I work a full time job and love sports. Ill talk sports all day with anyone. I play baseball and basketball on my free time when im not playing rs. I guess thats just the basics. If you have any questions about me dont be afraid to ask.
  6. [*]RuneScape Name: Repuslive [*]Forum Name: Heie15 [*]Combat Level: 133 P2p / 124 F2p [*]Total Level:2070 [*]Your Timezone:Est [*]How You Found Us:Rsc [*]Previous Clan: Genesis Knights. Pheonix Elites. Deathrow. All pvp clans [*]First Impressions:Great site. Active irc is very important to me and as soon as i joined your irc there was people talking.
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