Havent seen this build here, so im posting it Hey, i did the last beta weekends, and have played around with the NightBlade, i never had problems at all, but i made it only to about 10 each time with a different approach - had no problems taking on 2-3 of 1-2lvl above me though After the weekends, i came up with this build, my goal is mostly pve but also some smallscale pvp and if it comes up largescale pvp I would appreciate every comment, suggestion, critics, or whatever Race: Altmer since all damage from "Primary Weapon Selection" comes from magica skills. Class: Nightblade Stats: Something like 25magica/12health/12stamina Armor: 5light/2medium or 5medium/2light im not sure i would go light if the following assumptions are correct: Assumption: light armor 5piece bonus: "spells" includes all NightBlade skills, using wepons or not, all use magica light armor is not about "dont get hit at all" Primary(Burst): Ulti:Death Stroke(Incapacitating Strike) Teleport Strike(Ambush) Strife(Swallow Soul) Flurry(Rapid Strikes) Sparks(Heated Blade) Assassins Blade(Killers Blade) Assumptions(correct me if wrong): TeleStrike and Sparks damage buff stack Sparks doesnt break on damage Opener with Ultimate up: stealth - TeleStrike - Sparks - DeathStroke - HeavyAttack - Flurry - Sparks - NormalAttacks -...- AssassinsBlade as finisher or inbetween if enough Magica opener without Ultimate: stealth - TeleStrike - HeavyAttack - Strife - Flurry - Sparks - HeavyAttack -....- again AssassinsBlade as finisher Pro: lots of selfheal, lots of damage, finisher, distribution between magica and stamina Con: no long CC, no real "ohShitButton" or "getawayButton" for PVP Secondary(Endurance, Range) U:Soul Shred(if you can use 2 Ultimates) Siphoning Strike(Siphoning Attacks) Mark Target(Reapers Mark) Snipe(?anyone got the morphs here?) Poison Arrow(Venom Arrow) Cripple(Crippling Grasp) Assumptions(correct me if wrong): I can switch to primary to use Strife if needed and switch back - no self heal here in secondary Mark Target doesnt break stealth, and doesnt alert the enemy Never played with bow but an opener could be: SiphStrikes runs always Poison Arrow in between to interrupt+stun stealth - MarkTarget - Snipe - Heavy Attack - (PoisonArrow) - Snipe - NormalAttacks - Cripple - HeavyAttack - run I hope you can help me to get this build better, every comment is welcome