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Everything posted by oljx

  1. All of us non argonian are doomed... Pretty please, dont swim me to death if i cross your path ingame.
  2. Yep nice positionning with boundless storm, still if you activate it while in stealth, you get out of stealth. Wondering if the bolt escape also break the stealth, if not it's an awesome escape/close gapper.
  3. Overload is nice, not nearly as nice as other ultimates available but still. On the secondary bar with the morph which allow to regen mana on hits, it can be pretty usefull.
  4. Tested about he same build in light armor mostly: - mages fury - lightning form - critical charge (2hand) - overload of course (will try with reverse slash when i can unlock it) It would seem, regarding my experience, that overload really switch basic attack into a magika spell (damage range of the weapon did not change the damage of my overloaded normal/heavy attack) i'm still trying to figure out how to maximise efficiency of this build, maxing magika or endurance, balancing between the 3 stats not to be too squishy. Lightning form seems to offers a nice survivability and escape (even if it did not properly displayed the armor buff)
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