Hello from Draugen! I like what you've started here. I'm looking forward to see you guys grow. I'm the guild leader of Draugen, a fellow Ebonheart Pact guild. I also come from a strong PvP MMO background. Dating back to the "Best of the Best" tournaments in EQ1. And even to this day, DAoC is still my favorite MMO for PvP. Once you guys get established, I'd very much like to talk with you guys on maybe an alliance with us. Zergs will be thwarted, and armies shattered. To win in Cyrodiil, we need: Information- Knowledge of mechanics, geography, and even the psychological demeanor of our opponents. Timing- Strategy involves well placed units and even individuals, and with the right timing even 1 person can disrupt a siege. Morale- Leading a guild, an army, or even a squad will not bring fruit if those under the command cannot follow those in charge. A level of commitment and trust is needed to ensure the fluidity of battle.