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Everything posted by NoRefunds

  1. Now you can install the EU beta,dont know if it makes any difference but im installing it
  2. its level 50 damage,and its not high for that level,range is 22 m- 5 m aoe
  3. so as a vampire if u dont fed for 120 min your skills cost 60% less at the cost of some useless hp regen? i'll take the -60% cost of vampire skills,thanks....maybe if u play as a dunmer and stack fire res u can be a vampire and survive fire dmg,good for me since i was already going to play as a dunmer.....a question about the skill Mist Form,it says 3 sec cast time but there is no duration,does it last 3 sec as well or u can simply toggle it and keep it on as long as u want?
  4. i think that u should have cripple on ur destro staff bar to kite and i think that destructive touch(fire) is better than aspect of fear when they get close....i'm gonna use annulment on my resto staff bar coz i think its gonna be pretty good if u stay ranged,gives a big advantage vs other casters... i'm just worried about templars with eclipse,they can completely lock u out of combat
  5. yeah with that build u have 0 cc and 0 heals/shield,not gonna work in end game pvp in my opinion,and i tried to go melee in pvp and i think its really bad/almost impossible with lag,and if u rush into a big group of enemies they immediatly kill u so overall its better to stay ranged lol
  6. Stush i was thinking the same thing so i tried it in beta,and even if i was low level and with shit gear i saw that its pretty hard to kill people in pvp just by spamming cripple and strife since people can stack insane amounts of hp and shields,so you really need a way to deal sustained damage,thats why i think that its better to focus on bow damage(medium armor+haste+mark targhet) and just use cripple to immobilize-snare people and strife to heal. I tried to use cloak in pvp but it didnt work well for me because everyone uses at least 1-2 dots and the duration is too low to make any difference while the cost is pretty high. So if u want to be an assassin the best way is to start in stealth-mark targhet(30-40 m)-snipe-haste-cripple-strife-white attacks until he is dead,and u get 60% hp and dmg buff from mark targhet morph; the problem is that after uve killed the first guy ure low on magika and out of stealth,so u cant use the same combo on someone else unless u run out of combat,you can only go on with cripple-strife-white attacks that is still a nice combination but can be countered by eclipse-reflective scale and other stuff,so this is the perfect build to ambush people but not so good in large scale/group fights,and since pvp its all about group fights ure not gonna help much ure faction but ure only gonna get some easy kills while running around solo
  7. Biremes if u want to stay ranged and use a bow you should use a nightblade for max dps or templar for max survability, sorcerer its overall a very bad class,believe me....but if u really want to be a sorcerer use surge to increase your damage with the morph to heal on crit and bolt escape/lightning form to survive Yosherl sorc its a bad class in pvp,if u really want to use it u have to use the destro staff and focus on the destro staff(FIRE) spells that are actually very good, you can simply use weakness to elements and spam force shock to kill people,and use destructive touch if they get close. Sorcerer spells cant really help you much,you can only use bolt escape-lightning form for survability and daedric curse for some aoe dmg,but they cost a lot and other classes have way better spells in their arsenal
  8. i dont see how u can kite a melee in this game, with spammable gap closer that can stun/immobilize and snares all over the place the only way to kite is by using immovable-rapid maneuver all the time.....about sneak i really hope its not op as u say theoryexpert because that can really ruin the game for everyone i wonder if its possible to use mage light while sneaking so that u can see enemies but they cant see you lol
  9. since magelight stays on all the time u can only outplay it with a bow, melee just cant get a sneak strike if someone in the enemy team is using it,and i guess that tanks will use it
  10. anyone has tried the daedric mines? i wonder if u can use them as main dps spell by casting them under ppl in melee range and if its possible to hit the same targhet with all 3( morph for insta cast 3 in line)....for example using shield charge-puncture-daedric mines-bolt escape-mage fury, with high max magika and spell cost reduction it should be possible to use the mines 4-5 times, if they can hit the same targhet(and nearby) its 39 magic dmg each cast+immobilize+blood magic/exploitation
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