Stush i was thinking the same thing so i tried it in beta,and even if i was low level and with shit gear i saw that its pretty hard to kill people in pvp just by spamming cripple and strife since people can stack insane amounts of hp and shields,so you really need a way to deal sustained damage,thats why i think that its better to focus on bow damage(medium armor+haste+mark targhet) and just use cripple to immobilize-snare people and strife to heal. I tried to use cloak in pvp but it didnt work well for me because everyone uses at least 1-2 dots and the duration is too low to make any difference while the cost is pretty high. So if u want to be an assassin the best way is to start in stealth-mark targhet(30-40 m)-snipe-haste-cripple-strife-white attacks until he is dead,and u get 60% hp and dmg buff from mark targhet morph; the problem is that after uve killed the first guy ure low on magika and out of stealth,so u cant use the same combo on someone else unless u run out of combat,you can only go on with cripple-strife-white attacks that is still a nice combination but can be countered by eclipse-reflective scale and other stuff,so this is the perfect build to ambush people but not so good in large scale/group fights,and since pvp its all about group fights ure not gonna help much ure faction but ure only gonna get some easy kills while running around solo