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Everything posted by Hans

  1. I hated all those Christmas trees in Rift and the giant "presents" in GW2... can you kill off my immersion any faster? no? yeah,... thought so... Please... none of that!
  2. To give an on topic answer, too: What do you want from a team? The content is easy enough to solo it, except for group dungeons. So a tank/healer combo would be indestructible in a game where you wont die often anyway. Hm... I think if you want to level faster, you need more opponents if you walk around. Maybe one ranged puller and another more AoE specced char? But basically if you just want to play together it doesnt matter. Everybody can grab a Resto Staff if needed, but a dedicated healer for leveling is overkill imo. Now, if you want to play lots of dungeons, having tank+healer ready should make LFG a breeze
  3. To me this reveals that under the current implementation it doesnt make any real difference. So by going all light armor I can cast 0.67 Solar Flares more? That is the effect of specializing in a type of armor? in a fight of lets say 20 sec length you regen 10 ticks of magicka. with a standard regen rate of ~5% and maybe a 25% boost to this we are looking at 6,25% or 86.25 Magicka per tick= 862.5 recovered in that fight. That means ~2242 Magicka available over the length of the fight. 6.67 Solar Flares without Evocation, 7.76 with Evocation and 7/7 LA. 1 Spell more in a 20sec fight? 7 in total? Thats a LOT of autoattacking. lol Can that be right?
  4. I know this wasn't the question and might be none of my business but I would not recommend ESO for a 8 year old. It might not be super graphic in violence but differently to WoW etc. it has a "realistic" graphic and well... you DO chop up people all day long, set them on fire, fight evil demons after you unleashed them on people... and so on...
  5. I think you need to ask: Where does my damage come from? Where do i get my defense from? Where can I get my ressources? If your Defense is passive via heavy armor you can spend your stamina on DW attacks, if you use 1H&Shield you might get away with light armor and dps via class skills, if you dodge a lot, maybe medium armor is best for you and you fuel everything with stamina except a few class buffs. Min Maxing is allways going to give you the "max" therefore the name The question is: How much can you gimp yourself? This one Weekend we are not talking about, I was blasting through while a guildy could not finish some questlines with stronger "bosses" by himself. So a certain amount of "maxing" seems to be needed. And skill. Skill is good in this game, and I love that.
  6. The critical chance increase might be just from 5% to 7.5% with a +50%. What is it called... Multiplicative?
  7. Wow, very nice collection and writeup! Thank you very much! Comments: - In this example you would have researched the trait "Infused" ONLY for Shields. You need to resaerch every item type seperatly. - The Item IS destroyed in the process. - Yes, every other Item adds another 20%, 5 Items give you 100% - You can find out the first effect of a plant by using it. - I have added a glyph to a magic Item for 2 +X damage effects. It was awesome. (+2 fire and +3 poison I believe) - 1 Attribute point in Magicka/Stamin= +10, in HP= +20 - That means that Abbilites scale by factor 8 to max level while Stats scale by by 10-13 ? At lvl 1 you have 100 Magicka and lets say a skill costs 25= 1/4=25%, at lvl 50 you have ~1000 Magicka (without any attributes in it!) and the skill costs 200 (1/5=20%). Now if you put the max of 30 points into magicka that gives you 1380 Magicka and the spell costs only ~1/7 or ~15% of your pool. So casting becomes a bit cheaper in the long term. but not much!
  8. It really is not. 7% cost reduction means you can cast 16 instead of 15 spells. 15% more recovery means what? @lvl 10 it was 1 magicka more per second. Thats one more spell per minute. Nope, not huge imo. Maybe at higher levels, we will see...
  9. Sorry, but reducing spell cost by 7% and increasing a very meager magicka recovery by 14% will not let you keep up any rotation...
  10. I agree it is not that powerful. Reasons: 1. There is no target dropping, as hard targeting is not necessary (although possible). You are still in the same place an get hit like before. All you can do is "walk away" but you will eat those AoEs everybody will drop as soon as someone vanishes right before them. 2. that easily doubles your magicka cost for those skills. Maybe worth it, maybe worth more just to use said skills twice. 3. You clear one dot, have no idea which one, hav no real UI showing you which dots affect you and how much damage you take from them. Really many skills add at least a meager Dot. 4. +15% stamina regen is a joke (at least at lower levels, might change, might not...) 15% @lvl 10 was 1 stamina per scond while at hardcapped regen rate. While skills cost what...40? 50? stamina. +armor and +spell ressi might be worth it but my biggest concern: It is not about how good the cloak is in itself. You have to compare it to every skill you did not take on your skillbar so you can have it OR you have to compare it to every other skill you could have cast with said magicka.
  11. What has the one thing to do with the other?? Especially if there is true freedom I want a calculator so I can explore all the possibilities while not ingame. To be against build calculators just doesnt make any sense...
  12. Hans


    The tricky part is the Traits. They will be a PITA to discover, as you have to research each for every piece of armor or weapon individually, you need to have the Item with that Trait and it takes 6(!) hours. There ae about 10 traits available. 7 Armor slots, 3 Armor types, daggers, 1H, 2H swords, axes, ... this is where people will specialize. For example there is a passive which lets you research 2 traits parallel. Iron nodes were more easy to spot, enchanting stones the easiest, glowing colorfuly. jute plants are hard to spot, alchemy plants were different.
  13. Hans


    That seems to be really old as the example makes no sense. Sword and breastplate are made with the same profession.
  14. someone really should do some tests... cant wait for the next stresstest or a real beta invite... grrr.
  15. Oh well, those are the only really interesting ones...
  16. no differences. You will have to put skillpoints in the races passives to gain anything from your race selection. Sex doesn't matter.
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