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Everything posted by DanGer

  1. ha, great.. was about to post something similar.. just saw the vid, the guys get visited by paul sage on their skypechat while streaming. i hope we will be able to play a more recent version of the game on the next beta.
  2. yep, a small one no, really, i think, eso might be at 45+gb when it launches, atm we are at 35,5, so, theres some space left. And, the Patch updates some stuff, previous Version was at 33.7 gb, now its 35.5 gb.
  3. use the google padawan ratte! it shall enlighten you for no further posts with wrong informations
  4. due to actual infos we wont play 0.18 this weekend, we still stay with .17, because .18 is in testing on the pts-server atm.
  5. The link just threw me onto the standard-support-page. my fault. but..due to the lack of a conjuration-spell-line, i highly doubt it yet, beside the things you allready got as answers (spear, etc.) its not like skyrim, where you get 7(?) spell-lines to invest your points, and can get bound weapons to run around with. you can summon pets (like atronarch) as well as "AF-Spells" (Bound armor-like). Due to the lack of Spots on the skillbar, it would be a heavy disadvantage, if you would have to use one slot of five for your bound weapon only, where "physical-weapon-user" would have one more slot for active abilities..
  6. imho bound weapons on eso are not castable weapons like in skyrim, just normal weapons, which are bound to the player after equip and not tradeable anymore then. greets fra kiel/germany.
  7. in daoc you could place siege im pve zones a while.. i knew some ppl who farmed whole spots this way. that was creative.
  8. What, if i skill passives of one weapon kind, would that work with other weapons too, if the description wont tell something "weapon-specific" ? Like "Ruffian" which said only "x%more dmg on disabled targets". Not ",when using dual wield". If that would work, some ppl need way more skillpoints.
  9. no.different slots. you would need the weapon twice. one for each slot.
  10. My first try, what do you think theorycrafters? (yes, no pvp-slots set and no "realmwar-abilities". idc for those yet, cant even set vampire and thief-skills..) just my thoughts what could be viable.. http://skillcalc.massyx.de/#2,6,3|61-38,62-112,63-40,64-41,65-42,66-43,72-118,73-46,76-49,82-51,84-126,86-55,172-266,204-175,205-206,207-178,214-180,215-211,216-212,217-183,218-184,244-268,264-284,265-286,266-288,267-290,268-0,269-0,270-0,288-251,290-258,296-0|67-2,68-2,69-2,70-2,77-1,78-2,79-1,80-2,89-2,90-2,148-3,149-3,150-3,173-3,174-2,175-2,176-2,177-2,209-2,210-2,211-2,212-2,213-2,219-2,220-2,221-2,222-1,223-2,249-1,250-3,251-3,252-1,253-1,259-1,293-1,294-1,297-7,298-3,299-3,300-3,301-1,302-3,303-9,304-2,305-3,306-3,307-3,308-3|0-65-0,0-66-1,0-73-2,0-82-3,0-218-4,0-288-5,1-64-0,1-63-1,1-62-2,1-207-3,1-72-4,1-61-5
  11. med armor khajit, nb, dual/ bow.solo build.dont know yet, if my skillsetup will max out dmg. not decided whoch faction to choose, AD in beta. im 34, from kiel/ germany and will play on the us servers maybe. to enhance my english skills and get away from kiddy-zergs in the maintime.
  12. i dont want to ride an orc.. :/ 17k gold is a lot in the beginning. plus extra inventory hopefully. i allways had mine fully loaded, that was borimg. will be worse with more mats to collect, x tiers of wood, metal etc..
  13. nope. pre-order bonus. join any faction with any race. (Explorers Pack: http://elderscrollsonline.com/en/news/post/2014/01/29/pre-order-eso-now )
  14. was late in the night and there was no "attention - dling eu-client" message, only "patching client".. so. No we know it what it was,thanks for the info. (had the load complete allready, so.. no rename.. too bad, would have been good to know earlier.)
  15. nono.. i played the beta with a full patched client last weekend else i wouldnt post i get a 21gb patch atm.
  16. u get a horse for free from the start, plus treasuremaps..
  17. the price is the same as for DAoC some years ago. And there have been soooooo many Bugs in DAoC, i have only found 2 bugs on quests in TESO so far. and i was on DAoC since the first Beta. I liked the FightSystem of DAoC, but hey.. no time for pvp raids anymore, so pve content till the end. Skyrim gettin boring lately. And 13 Euros, we will see. As said before.. try the 35 Days, and then may come what comes.
  18. thanks for the info. loaded 500mb and patches 10 gb..thats confusing
  19. Ive bought the imperial digital, and will get access 5 days earlier . so thats for sure at least.
  20. Afaik "standard vers." gives only 3 days earlier access. 5 days only for "Imperial Ed."
  21. did not change afaik. just asked, bc. some ppl seem to try to get a build running, and due to unknown (in-game-shop?) poss. of gaining a complete reskill-option, they'll for sure try to max survivality/dps while running to the max lvl after release.
  22. hey. u missed to post the level requirements for the skills. don't got data?
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