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Everything posted by DanGer

  1. You can, but not as good. First guild ive chosen was a trade alliance. Might join another guild today. Ild probably watch twitch streams all day long to gather hints. For example: 1 day after headstart i got each and every chest in mkai i knew off.. theres barely someone there. Much stuff to deconstruct
  2. Too bad, rule 1 ruined it. Still looking for a nice guild, but i dont want to be forced to use voicechat to be in any guild anymore. :/
  3. Next Version wish: sorted abilities by level. Racials for example. Imho u cant get them below charlevel 5/15/25. So if i create a low build(20), i should not be able to pick highest one. German Localized version?
  4. Sorry, maybe my english is too bad, but i understand that quote as "on your -active- bar". Not on -any- bar. So, u got a chatlog where that person states - any- instead of -active-?
  5. Plus whats the difference between invisible and invisibility? Alch ingredients.
  6. I've set the charlevel to 10, all stamina. After looking into the skills, magicka jumped to lvl 50 stats; race was changed to altmer. Could revert the magicka by reassigning the points, but mag reg was still on lvl 50 value.
  7. Voted orcs. They dont even look like orcs. And their passives are just for runaway.
  8. yep, but..due to the fact, that the khajiit-passives are only for melee-range, not bows.. ild say as bow-user redguard is the way to go. if u dont need the stealth-passives of bosmer/khajiit.
  9. some ppl bought the standard edition in a shop, therefore u get only 3 days early access.
  10. Dont forget to implement the new racials. Khajiit, altmer and dunmer changes.
  11. As seen on reddit, staff is aware of that Problem and will fix it.
  12. Currently on PTS server Armor and Spell Penetration do not work like they are supposedly to. Will this be changed before game goes live. Example: Using Armor Penetration Abilities for 100% Armor penetration is only increase Damage by 6-7% regardless of the enemies armor value. Using Spell Penetration abilities for 75% Spell Penetration is increasing damage by 70-75%. That seems very broken. Will there be a Soft and Hard cap placed on Penetration type effects. Using 2-3 abilities to totally negate a players Armor value and Spell Resist value seems broken. [–]zos_konk The armor and spell penetration traits are not working exactly how we want them to right now. The desired effect is that when I have 10% armor penetration, I ignore 10% of the target's armor value. This is the way it works on passives and abilities right now, but traits are a little different. The fix for this should hit with either launch or shortly after. --------------- post launch dev plans: Our first Adventure Zone, Craglorn will be our first focus. Expect to see lots of info on that soon. Speech Bubbles: We have no current plans to support speech bubbles. Updates/expansions: all regular content updates will be provided as part of subscribing. We will probably do some kind of expansion in the future, we don't have concrete plans for that at the moment. Moderators: yes, we will have full CS support on the live servers, including being able to handle TOS violations and harassment. We take player experience very seriously and as much as possible won't allow disruptive players to make life difficult for others. Addon Free Campaigns: no, all pvp campaigns will have the same ruleset, but we are taking steps to ensure that UI mods won't give players an advantage in PvP over a player that doesn't have one. First major content release: as soon as possible after launch - this is Craglorn. Expect to see more info very soon. Lower end PC: we spent a LOT of time ensuring that ESO is playable on a wide variety of PC (and Mac) hardware. It was one of our core tech requirements.
  13. I'll just drop em here. What time are the servers opening up on March 30th? We would love to know! Edit: ZOS_Konk posted a reply: For 5 day early access: North America (East): 7:00 AM EDT, Sunday March 30th--UK/IE: 12:00 PM WEST, Sunday March 30th--Central Europe: 1:00 PM CEST, Sunday March 30th--Sydney, Australia: 10:00 PM AEDT, Sunday March 30th--Singapore: 7:00 PM SGT, Sunday March 30th --For 3 day early access: North America (East): 7:00 AM EDT, Tuesday April 1st--UK/IE: 12:00 PM WEST, Tuesday April 1st--Central Europe: 1:00 PM CEST, Tuesday April 1st--Sydney, Australia: 10:00 PM AEDT, Tuesday April 1st--Singapore: 7:00 PM SGT, Tuesday April 1st--...and for launch: North America (East): 7:00 PM EDT, Thursday, April 3rd--UK/IE: 12:00 AM WEST, Thursday, April 4th--Central Europe: 1:00 AM CEST, Thursday, April 4th--Sydney, Australia: 10:00 AM AEDT, Thursday, April 4th--Singapore: 7:00 AM SGT, Thursday, April 4th------------------- The FOV slider will not be in for launch. --------------------- "Cash Shop": The next items available for purchase are a name change service, and possibly some vanity pets. We have no timeline for these, so don't expect them soon, and there aren't concrete plans for anything else at the moment after that. Starter Islands: We made this decision to give the players lots more choice in the early moments of the game. Not being able to leave the starter islands was too much on rails. So, we made the starter islands just "islands" and let players explore them when they want, along with other level 3-8 content. But after (much) feedback, we made it too hard to find the quest giver to send you to the island, so we are making one more change before launch: now, you'll find a questgiver directly outside your front door to direct you to the islands. You don't have to go there, but you can if you want. Choice. Explorer Pack Bonus: playing any race in any alliance is a pre-order perk. We have no plans to offer this bonus in any other way. -------- Youtube user Mystborn has exposed a few game systems to be working in VERY unexpected ways: No cap in place for ability cost reductionPartially charged stealth attacks deal much more damage than fully charged onesDunmer passive adds about +2.3% to flame damage while Altmer gains +6% for all elementsAre these systems working as intended or can we expect to see improvements made to them over time? [–]zos_konk [ Hi there Sirjimmybob, I'm certainly familiar Mystborn's video (which was an awesome piece of beta testing. Thank you!) The short answer is that we are actually addressing all of those issues...in time for launch. By issue: No cap in ability cost reduction: We are leveling out cost reduction enchants in veteran ranks, as well as cleaning up a few bugs with them. Partial charged stealth attacks: That was a bug, and the fix just missed this most recent patch. You can expect partially charged, sneak heavy attacks to scale smoothly in their sdamage all the way up to the full charged value Dunmer vs. high elf passive: Another issue we addressed that just missed this patch. The Dunmer fire talent passive is having some bugs cleaned up, and going to +2%/4%/6% fire damage. The Altmer elemental talent is going to +2%/3%/4% damage with all elements. Hope that helps! Thanks for the post! ------------- obviously it would be frivolous to have you elaborate on future added content, as development is an ongoing process, subject to change at any time, but I'd like to get your thoughts on one specific area, and that is expanding skills. At first blush, what do you guys find more interesting, a vertical expansion to skill lines (adding more skill lines, essentially), or a more horizontal approach, where we see more expansion of currently in-game skill families? Or do you find an even mixture of both to be most interesting? (also, throw me a bone, how do you guys feel about necromancy ) ZOS: I think both are very attractive, but in the near future, I would expect to see completely new skill lines. ------- Templar's and magicka regeneration after the change to Restoring Spirit? Currently reports from the PTS are that they are severely limited in late game content due to resource issues. Other classes have "mana battery" type skills, but Templars do not. zos_konk Alright, so I know this is a tricky one, because the old restoring spirit passive was extremely flexible and powerful. I am very sensitive to the fact that the changes we make can sometimes have an effect on the builds that you spent a long time developing. I promise you we each take balance changes very seriously. The reason for the change to the restoring spirit had more to do with how it scaled as players progressed through Veteran ranks (especially beyond rank 10) than with how it was performing in the level 1 - 50 experience. We considered a few options for altering that value, but ultimately, we decided on a % reduction to all costs gives the class a lot of flexibility and scales very well in the long term. I guess that doesn't answer your specific question: can I speak to the plans for Templar's Magicka recovery after that change? Short answer is, it's something I am actively looking at, but i don't want to speak to specific changes just yet until we are fully confident in the design and implementation. I hate not be able to give you details just yet, but I wanted to at least let all the Templar's know that I am aware of the feedback and looking into it. -------------- At the start area of the latest Beta when you went through the start area to collect your first weapon this time there was only the choice of a Sword and nothing else. Will this change when the games goes live back to the choice of weapons as in previous betas? [–]ZOS_Sage [ Yes. Our goal was to have several weapons you could just pick up. Not choosing, just pick them up. We changed this for launch in the tutorial. You will be able to pick up the weapons scattered there, and by the end of the tutorial should have access to most of the weapon types. gonna stop here.. just too much
  14. What about the recent patchnotes? No more + crit dmg on carnage, but more +critchance. Dualwield dagger dagger khajiit with + crit on both weapons.. worth it?
  15. was .71€. but, how to set skills? shows me the effects, but thats it. also, will u offer localized versions? positiins of mundus stones?
  16. yeah, i just got that the last beta weekend. so for 5 setpieces you would need at least 10 researched traits. hard.
  17. @David as i said, play store listed it for 1.45€, eso companion by emcee std. ild have tested it for .99$.
  18. u told @TF $0.99 for the app. in the google app store its listed for 1.45€. was there some change to the exchange rates between us$ and € or is ze google allreaxy charching the 1.99$?
  19. is there any knowledge where the pve zones have the mundus stones settled?
  20. The Cheshire Khajiit states (red text beneath): "Smile, you can't kill 'em all" so i guess.. smile, you cant use all beta codes.. there are far too many on the market right now..
  21. but,would you really want to get all traits enabled? first thing i want us a dagger/bow with enhanced attack speed, research the trait.. and thats enough for a while then. more and faster crits. good thing you can research traits of the different craftingskills at the same time.
  22. last beta: v. 0.17, live is on .18 imho. beta is only stresstest for the megaserver, not contentrelated
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