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Everything posted by CanisPanther

  1. This my my Dragonknight "Initiator/Support" buildI'm partial to Daggerfall Covenant so I may seem skewed on race choices at all times. I like all three races for this build, the Bretons MRes, the Orsimer Racial, and the Redguard's ability to regen ST for more CC break. Pick what you want in life, but one thing is certain:7/7 Heavy ArmorI do like the Breton for this though, between DK and Breton passives, we should have a pretty high MRes, which is king in a Rock-Paper-Scissors world, where Paper beats Rock, unless it's on fire, DK FTW!P.S. Does anyone know if we can make our armor look like an enemy factions? I love the Khajit Samurai influences.1h/S Axe for bleed (Offensive- pushing the fight, targeting softies so my team can capitalize and pick up kills.)1. Fiery Grip w/Extended Chains (22m isn't far off from ranged abilities, should be able to bring the squish into my entourage.)2. Molten Weapons (Since we're bringing the fight to our team, let's bolster their damage.)3. Dragon's Blood (So we never leave the front line.)4. Dark Talons (Provide easy target acquisition.)5. Immovable (Keep pressing forward until someone secures the kill.)Ultimate: Dragonknight Standard (Shut them down so we can pick up some kills and end the attrition.)Focused on being more of a bully here, trying to set up kills and stay in the line of fire as much as possible. At the end of the day, my ideal numbers would be something like 0-43-7, I am your meat shield.1h/S Mace for peeling tanks off (Defensive- protecting my plush friends in the back line, peeling tanks and the sort off them while bolstering their defense.)1. Puncture (Remove some armor, hopefully I'll have some melee help, this will benefit them greatly in peeling tanks off.)2. Ash Cloud (Slow them down and make them miss, run my squishies!)3. Obsidian Shield (I'm sure my healers have a shield of their own, but double bubble, free from trouble.)4. Dark Talons (For multiple targets.)5. Stonefist (For single target peels.)Ultimate: Dragon Leap (Break up the monotony.)Tank all the time, just separate bars for separate mindsets. Sometimes you need to advance, other times defend. This PvP build is not about personal glory, and you won't be looked as the reason the day is won, but if you play your cards right, you should be a mighty influence on the battlefield.
  2. In light of recent knowledge bombs that CC breaks cost 50% of your ST pool, we've made a friendlier version of our primarily melee Sorc, enjoy. Atleast we know that ST Regen>Flat STRedguard 6/6 Medium2h1. Momentum2. Surge3. Critical Charge4. Encase w/Restraining Prison (adds snare at the end of a 4.5 immobilization, wtfpwn.)5. Lightening Form w/Boundless Storm (+30% move speed.)Ultimate: Overload or Powercharge, whichever boosts our melee the most.I love the idea of Surge/Momentum combo, heavy attacks with no cost at the speed of standard ones sounds win for melee. Encase also effects all enemies within 15mx45m so it should cause a lot of ST dumps for a group of people to get moving again. Such a devastating ability for a melee to possess.Bow (best weapon to take advantage of our crit, plus Surge/Momentum/Overload/Powercharge can transfer through bars)1. Snipe or Poison Arrow (ST dump)2. Mage's Fury3. Winged Twilight (two shots are better than one and everyone loves extra mana/Mage's Fury!)4.a Daedric Curse (good DoT, and will discourage people grouping together so we can pick up a clean, single target.)4.b Entropy (a healing DoT.)4.c Dark Exchange (if we find ourselves never in danger at range, why not create endless waves of Mage's Fury?)5. Bolt Escape (we keep it here for more damage on our main bar, plus Momentum/Surge/Lightening Form will all persist beyond bar swap.)Ultimate: Storm Atronach or Negate MagicOur only CC with our Bow is Bolt Escape because we should be firing from our back line, so if someone is pursuing us, take a step back, if they advance, 2h them.
  3. Well, I'll redo my build tonight and mate we can hash it out it. This is most disappointing news though.
  4. How much Stamina does it cost? I've heard 50% which is ridiculous because it would make being melee pretty much useless because to spend any ST would be to gimp yourself out of two potential CC breaks. So Magicka is the only resource for damage?
  5. As I don't know the numbers yet, I can't argue about the Stamina costs of dodge rolls and CC breaks. If its a flat % then high ST= low ST. If its a flat number, then high ST can't be a bad thing. This build isn't meant for spamming anything more than Reverse Slash when the enemies health is low. If I can't charge in with Momentum and heavy attack, Reverse Slash, break CC, Reverse Slash, then I've charged too early. I also dont see why I'd only have one ST ability on my main DPS bar? If regular and heavy attacks are that good, I should have no trouble keeping my ST high enough to use abilities as needed? I don't mean to take anyone head on, more finish low and fleeting targets. I pack a lot of ST abilities because I plan on using as much of the Redguard passives to my advantage as possible. I could see maybe replacing Surge with Curse, Mines or maybe Bolt Escape, but I should only Bolt out after a kill, I should be poking with my bow.I understand you're helping mold a PvP build for honest PvP where I could 1v1 but I was looking more on praying on the weak and swatting flies off my healers. It'll take me a couple days to mull over adding survivability, which I very well may need more of, but won't really know how effective I am or am not until playing it out on the battlefield. If I can't get the kill, Lightening Form, CC break, bow bar, Bolt Escape. If I can't get away as simple as that, I've overestimated myself and underestimated my target. As for a summon, I'd consider replacing Surge, just trying to find a place for the other abilities. I really like Momentum + Surge though. Heavy attacks do 50% more damage than standard is my understanding. So, with lvl one values of the abilities and a 10 damage weapon, it's not unrealistic to have 10% damage initially, going up 2% every 2 seconds to round out at 30% damage at 20 seconds from Momentum. And if you wait 3 seconds to pop Surge, you get +3 weapon damage, which is 30%, for 17 seconds. So you can have 42% weapon damage after 3 seconds, and your very last hit, if timed right, has the potential of 60% damage, with you breaking even after 10 seconds with heavy attacks if it's 50% of standard attacks. That's a +42% damage Critical Charge to start the fight and free heavy attacks after a few swings if it's only 50% of standard attacks.I guess you could call this a Kill Stealing or Kill Securing build. In a battle full of honest PvP builds, someone has to make a sacrifice and go for the win at all times.I don't know, I'm going to look at it all again and see if I can break away from some of the ST abilities and add a little more class skills.
  6. This is my Sorcerer "Shepard" Build: It's main focus is playing the back line defending healers with raw force and assisting the front line afar with our bow. We focus on pure damage relying on attacking while blocking as our only interrupt so we afford no distance between Critical Charge and Lightening Form. Anyone who presses our healers will pay dearly, especially those pesky Dual Wielders who rely on a casted Fury to do their damage as we can interrupt before we blow up on them. We pack no cast or channel time and with a high enough stamina pool, we will not be contained. We are a raging shit storm with you in our sights.Orc/Redguard 6 Medium (ST/Crit/Melee bonus) Racials, 'nuff said.The other thing is we plan on abusing the armor look change. Make all of our armor look like heavy and I think people will leave us alone. Especially if we can time Lightening Form when we're first attacked, might make people reel back and choose a "softer" target.2.5 ST 1. 5 H. 1 M (subject to change when lvl 50 costs are determined)2h- Axe (with such a high attack rate, the bleed proc might sneak up on people.) Sword (flat damage anyone?) WTF is a Mace? If they have heavy armor, you're wasting your time. 2h is good for us for Stamina bonuses.1. Surge (damage?)2. Momentum (MOAR DAMAGE!?!?)3. Critical Charge (gap close, also a good way to bounce between targets and apply pressure)4. Reverse Slash (spam with heavy attacks for sustained DPS and finisher) 5. Lightening Form w/Boundless Storm- +30% movement speed- (this is our "oh shit" button, if we're taking too much damage or if we're engaged in a skirmish where our enemy is kiting just inside charge range so we can't effectively close the gap. It's also really nice if someone gets the drop on us in our 2h set up to buffer our defense and put ourselves in a position to attack. Plus, we become like lacquer, unable to be shaken from skin.)Ultimate. Overload or Racial (depending on which does more damage) Negate Magic seems like I could really cause disarray, I just think it takes away from our bursty mindset.This is our primary bar, our dps, the reason we live and will die. We are a glass cannon in every respect and all should fear us should we become unchained while unfocused. We don't expect to live long but we will do great things to those we single out. Our Ultimate is up in the air at this juncture just depending what we can achieve endgame. Orc Racial is nice for mitigation and damage boost. With enough Stamina Regeneration, Redguard Racial would benefit us defensively for CC breaks and sprints, as well as an endless assault. Overload is dependent on A. If it splashes. B. How much damage v.s. Stamina is consumed. And it's morph would provide more Surges and Lightening Forms.Bow- this is to shoot from the back line and weaken targets before we charge and obliterate. It's also nice if we don't feel like engaging but still want to apply pressure, and it's also nice for when we're done killing an attacker in our back like and desperately need to apply pressure to save a other across the way. Anyways, ranged/melee combo is nothing new.Plus, Bow is our CC bar as well to save our healers. This bar is never meant for engaging into enemy armies.1. Snipe (long distance poke, stamina dump.)2. Poison Arrow (we like it for it's distance; any closer and we'd Critical Charge. Being able to interrupt from the healer line is great, but being able to interrupt down the healer line is even better. We will irritate the pesky melee.)3. Scatter Shot (for when we can't out damage the pressure and need to provide or make a quick escape ourselves. When our healers are too low on health and we can't destroy their assaulters fast enough, we switch to bow and pop one of these off to buy them some time.)4. Mage's Fury (the Reverse Slash of our 2nd bar. With enough mana, it shouldn't be unreasonable to pop this twice while laying down arrows looking for the finish. Plus, disintegration is total win.)5. Bolt Escape w/Streak (this is how we create distance after we kill in melee and leave a lasting impression. Blow through the front line and leave a sour taste in their mouths when you do. )Ultimate: Racials, Overload, Storm Atronach maybe if we wanted to really fuck shit up when we disengaged from melee.This is really a utility bar, so it's open to change. I didn't take Entropy because I don't care to heal myself, I'll just make exchanges with my back line; saving their lives in exchange for heals. You could also put Winged Twilight in here as well, as the mana aura would benefit everybody. It's important to note that you'll want to level a Dark Magic ability at some point for the passives. I feel with both bars I'm competent enough as a damage dealer, and should be able to jump in and out picking up kills and/or assists.Feel free to tear this apart guys, keep in mind this is a PvP pure DPS glass cannon melee/utility distance build. I don't plan to live long. I also intend to tend the heard (healers), as I am their Shepard, and none shall become estranged within my flock.
  7. So I've been mulling over what is more important: + damage or + power? Could anyone drop some bombs on me? This is in regards to my Sorc build.Also does anyone know what the damage modifier is on Overload is? Like what kind of damage plus does it add to attacks?
  8. Perfect, hopefully first build up tomorrow. I'll be one of the few Elitist Jerks on Xbone I'm sure and love having brains to pick.
  9. So I've been mulling over all the builds and threads and dig the whole min/max thing "elitist jerks, elitist jerks HOOOO!". I was just wondering whether I should be using the google docs spreadsheet or the current sites skill list is up-to-date enough to theory craft and get dirty on the forums with you guys. It's been rough using only TF so this forum is a Godsend. Anyways, just wondering before I start posting and letting our brains collide. -CanisPanther
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