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Everything posted by Rooster1762

  1. I've heard of it but never played. Sounds like it's worth checking out though.
  2. Arena, Daggerfall, Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim. Arena was fun long ago. Daggerfall I loved I have played it longer than any other ES game, in fact I have it on this computer I'm using and still play at least a few times a week(one thing I wish they would add in all the games is a bank). Morrowind comes in second, was tiny compared to Daggerfall, but great content especially with the BloodMoon expansion(my favorite). Oblivion was good although I didn't really like the fast travel after Morrowind but I loved having a horse again, good dlc but I hated the cut down of the spells and items. Skyrim Is an awesome game as far as player-world interaction, my biggest like was the fact that when you talk to people time doesn't stop, only thing I don't like about it is the cut down of the spells and items(like oblivion but even worse) especially the apparent destruction of spell making altars and npcs, that hurt all my magic wielding characters(though partial comeback with the shouts, nice touch).
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