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Everything posted by FunkheaD

  1. You're right David however I did enjoy how xenophobic the locals in Morrowind were to 'outlanders'. I think they could really go all-out and provide a clear impression that you're in a hostile land, perhaps under the guise of espionage. Given how PvP focussed the dev team is I think that we'll likely see a fairly half-assed attempt at immersing us in enemy faction content. I'll happily tolerate it, but less than ideal!
  2. I'd highly recommend hopping onto a torrent site and searching for ESO leaked betas. There are a few videos which whilst they're interesting, really just serve to make the hunger even stronger!
  3. Hell all, Long time lurker, first time poster here so be gentle! I'm a massive Elder Scrolls fan and have been hooked ever since I hired Daggerfall from local game store as a kid! For that reason I'm, likely to choose Daggerfall covenant as my primary faction but really hope to explore the other factional territories. Whilst I'm quite disappointed raiding enemy faction capitals is off the cards I do understand once we've finished our own faction's content we'll be able to head over to another faction's lands to explore and quest. I'm a little unclear on whether we'd be completing the same content that the natives of that factional territory would complete? Perhaps it is the same content but scaled to suit max level characters? I haven't seen any posts on how this is planned to function but would be interested in details/theorycrafting as I can't imagine that Zenimax would make unique content for enemy factions to complete in each landmass? How will the citizens of Ebonheart respond to a wandering Breton strutting down the street when we are in a state of perma-war? From a lore perspective I'm stumped for a sustainable method in which they can keep content fresh, but still true to the backstory. Good to be here. Talk soon, - FunheaD
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