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Everything posted by FunkheaD

  1. No, I disagree completely. Whilst I would love for this game to be free, I love that this game has none of the paywalls to enjoyment that I've experienced on other games. I wouldn't be surprised if the game goes f2p at some stage in the distant future but I'm comfortable that this game can easily justify the subscription price for now. I won't judge you on your financial means, but if I managed to pay a monthly sub fee for my Ultima Online account on my teenage burger flipping wage in 1999 then I think you're just being a whiny defeatist. Get a job and/or assess your prioritities as the game is truly worth it.
  2. Ahh a common forum misconception that silence = discontent! I have been very quiet because I've been enjoying the game thoroughly. Aside from a few minor quest bugs I've been enjoying the game thoroughly. I am now travelling for 3 months around Europe/UK so have really only been playing a little bit on a vastly under-equipped macbook air while I travel. I'll be back soon, but after playing a good solid month from early-access I've found this to be one of the smoothest MMO launches and I've been playing them since Meridian 59. This is a very strong MMO with a promising future, I highly recommend it.
  3. Ouch! Seriously, consoles are shooting themselves in the foot here. By refusing to co-operate and allowing servers that join with PC, X-Box and PS4 they're making it incredibly expensive and time consuming to develop MMOs for consoles. I certainly appreciate that Zenimax are persisting with this as Funcom basically just said 'fuck it' when it started to look tough to fulfill their original pledge to bring AOC to Xbox 360.
  4. It turns out that you can use chains to yank people onto a wall. We've seen a few traitors pull squads off enemy factioners onto a wall. I suspect some form of fix/deterrent will be incoming.
  5. The PvE in Cyrodil is absolute trash from what I've seen so far and I've leveled two 40+ chars. The devs have been rather quiet on this but I'd love to see more enticing PvE content that encourages players to fight over questing/grinding hotspots.
  6. I've used it to pull people off walls but I don't believe it can be used to pull people on top of physics they could not jump to. (i.e. you can jump from a wall but not onto a wall). It's a great utility skill, extremely fun to play with, certainly a defining skill that has me almost wanting to choose a DK! I have however stuck with a Sorcerer because I'm a coward and bolt escape seems like fun.
  7. Why muscle? What if a player stacks heavy armour + an armour ring? This will allow them to max out their armour value easily. a light armour wearing person toting one of these rings will still be softer.
  8. Poison arrow also morphs into an awesome insta cast interrupt and is probably one of the most overused skills by archers in cyrodil. See someone channeling or prepping a crystal shard for you? insta interrupt and disorient of your foe. Both skills have their uses.
  9. I agree. I plan on doing a huge amount of PvP and I find the minimalist, albeit less informative default UI a pleasant change from standard MMOs. I think if everyone is locked into the default UI, every play is on a level field. However I'm highly competitive and will sacrifice what I consider a great UI just to give myself the edge I need in PvP. It certainly is a matter of 'choice' but it's a frustrating one that essentially means I need to convert my UI to pure ugly to remain viable in PvP.
  10. This is a fairly viable build and what you'll find yourself using the most is probably rushed ceremony as a 'self heal'. Stacking most of your stats into health and stamina would be ideal. I'd suggest 3 skills on each bar for your weapon abilities plus rushed ceremony and restoring aura for the passive bonus for having it slotted. You'll have a fairly tanky build and able to drop at least 2-3 serious heals per fight.
  11. Pretty happy with the collectors edition content. I'll admit I'd prefer that the Imperials and race unlock should be available by default. The only item I'd love to see would be a USB loaded with the game soundtracks and developer videos. If the USB happened to be in the shape of a Daedric artifact or the head of Wabbajack then even better!
  12. Settle down turbo, I happened to read the linked article and made my own conclusions. I didn't state I was going to be posting beta feedback on Friday, simply that I am looking forward to the opportunity to do so.
  13. What a voice! The art book looks fantastic, especially given that it includes lore.
  14. Brilliant! I can't wait to be able to share my experiences so far in clear view.
  15. I've pre-ordered today the CE today. I'm more than happy to pay up to support Zenimax and Bethesda. TES is an IP I've followed since I first laid my grubby teenage hands on Daggerfall. The non digital content in the box is worth the price of purchase alone. I don't have a problem with this type of cash grab as long as it's not p2w and I highly doubt that Imperials are going to be some genetically engineered super-race capable for face-stomping more than others. EDIT: and I think the 'train wreck' banner on this article shows a little bias. Many people have no issues with this CE. Some of you are tighter than a fishes' arsehole!
  16. I'm impressed... but is this sustainable? Voice acting throughout the game and regular content updates will be a pricey undertaking. Voice acting prices have a habit of rising very quickly from actors once they've embedded themselves into a cartoon series (think simpsons here).
  17. I'm with you on this.. the hype is massive but as long as the game is fun, feels like a fun MMO homage to Elder Scrolls then I have no issues paying. Maybe I'm out of touch but I had no problem paying $20 AUD for Ultima Online back in 2000.... I don't get how a similar price is such a massive ask in 2014? This is barely more than the price of a movie ticket here and when I consider how much I'll be playing it seems a fair price to pay. If this game keeps me entertained at leats 6-10 hours a week I consider this to be good value regardless of external perceptions.
  18. There does need to be a balance, I guess my perspective of an 'emperor' is not as some tribal war chief that leads purely because of his own fearsome combat prowess. I guess the historical stigma of the title would lead me to expect something akin to early Roman politics that could be both bloody and diplomatic. Being the one with the highest kill score gives a decidedly "There can only be one" Highlander feel to ruling. If my own faction crowns some supreme asshole as Emperor I'd love the option to rebel against his imbecilic rule, defect, or stab him in the back. I agree with your points. Let's hope that we see a reasonably complex system of rule, as opposed to who can build the biggest throne of skulls!
  19. I wonder if there are light, medium and heavy variants? I really hope there is some stability in world PvP and we don't have a new emperor every day/week. I don't mind a constant struggle to dethrone them but I want to avoid the ping pong we saw in GW2. I also don't want to get smack talked and WTFPWNED by the Emperor! I'm hoping that the ruling faction can have their allies 'gift' their prowess/performance score to their leader in order to put forward the best candidate. At least that way it wouldn't be purely about PvP skills and more of a popularity/leadership contest.
  20. Not only should you play it, you should also pre-purchase a pallet of adult sized nappies and a crate of hot-pockets to fully immerse yourself.
  21. Thanks Muscle those look like a good starting point - will be sure to give them a test in open beta. My one concern is the lack of ranged attacks given this games siege warfare similarities with GW2. I might have to try a bow bar as a backup at some stage. Also are you planning on playing purely on PS4? Noticed you're in Australia and am looking for Aussie guilds!
  22. Thanks dude! I'm kind of set on the Breton race and I'm not fussed on m DPS/tank as long as I'm in the thick of melee and alive at the end! Preference is to wield a 2 hander or S&S.Any reason on not going pure heavy armour?
  23. Muscle you seem to have a pretty strong grasp of what is viable and I've decided I'd like to roll a Breton Templar but my preference would be to have an awesome melee DPS/Tank build that is focused on personal survival (I'm more of a selfish solo player). MOSt of your builds focus on range it would seem.Could you suggest a build as I'm unclear on what would be ideal as far as skill and stat distribution is concerned.Thanks mate
  24. Whilst my main desire is to play on PC, I'm a bit disappointed that I won't be able to casually play my same character on the XBone. This will mean that I'm most likely to just play PC and not purchase an Xbox. The trailer looks promising but a bit sketchy and I'm suspecting that the hero engine is potentially going to struggle in sieges. The hype train will drag me along till well after launch when I realise I'm playing the same old!
  25. Fantastic news! I'll be travelling for a few months in April so I'll have just enough time to build an unhealthy addiction!The PvP trailer reminds me a little of Darkfall. The horse audio and battle ambient noise sounds to be added in. Animations are okay but that broad camera pan was a little choppy.Either way I'm pumped, time to find an Aussie guild!
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