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Everything posted by Kaloom

  1. This is a bit of a random question, but does anyone know exactly how switching skills on your hotbar works? I mean essentially as a NB could i enter combat realise that my opponent is spec'd in a certan way stun them, stealth ,( I'm assuming here that stealth takes you out of combat- I don't know) then change a skill on my hotbar to account for their spec? I haven't managed to research into the mechanics of the game as much as I would like to , so excuse me if this comes off as a bit of a stupid question.
  2. Ah thats good to know i thought that stamina would go up but didnt realise it would go at the same level.
  3. Yeah i understand it's more about resource management and I have to admit it will make PvP more interesting, but it just means that if i want to roll a sorcerer i have to invest in stamina if i want to be competitive in PvP. Also as a lover of end game PvE it will be interesting to see what the boss fights have to offer as it sounds like the AI will make 'raiding' interesting.
  4. ZeniMax Online is owned by Bethesda. I think when it comes to making it feel like a TES game it won't dissapoint. The only thing that i'm worried about, and forgive me because i'm one of those vanilla Wow players, but, I don't really know how i feel about being limited to 6 skills or 12 when changing weapons. I know they've said somewhere that they didn't want it to just be people working on a cd cycle but 6 skills feels like it could get very monotonous. Especially in PvP when you need to have different skills for different situations. Thats the only thing i'm worried about. Oh and also i feel like the racial abilities are too specifically aimed at classes, which narrows your options a bit. Nevertheless looking forward to the release.
  5. Kaloom


    Yeah i'm planning on playing on the PC just praying for a european BETA key now. Haha thanks Francis i am leaning towards a dark elf sorcerer, one of my best mains was a druid and i'm that rare breed that enjoy playing a healer- easy instance grouping and fun yes i said fun in PvE. but i'm not really feeling a templar so going to try out the restoration staff. You might see me in the ebonheart pact.
  6. Kaloom


    Hi guys, My name's Thomas I'm 21 and from the UK but currently working in Kenya till around July. I've only played elder scrolls since Oblivion but I've dappled with MMORPG'S alot, predominantly WoW. Started playing WoW in 2005 and stopped around the end of Wotlk and haven't really seen any other game that was worth wasting away my life with- until now. Currently Umming and Aaahing about what race/class i want to be as by the time i left WoW i had a whole load of different characters so although the personal customization is awesome it leaves me with quite a hard decision. I am leaning towards a destruction sorcerer but i will probably wait until i understand the gameplay a bit more before I decide. As a player i'm the kind of person who will try and reach end game content as quickly as possible and I've normally been in a hardcore PvE guild although i do enjoy myself some PvP. Luckily i don't have the ego that goes along with some hardcore gamers and i would say im a pretty chilled out guy. Hoping that through this forum i can find a fun guild to level along with and try and be up there with the worlds best. Thank you
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