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Everything posted by Xenon

  1. For a non-dragon knight most [PvE] tank and mitigation abilities are fueled by stamina anyway. There might be one or two tankish class abilities (that cost Magicka) but for a sorcery using bound armor i would probably just dress up in heavy armor, one hand and shield and slot 4 abilities from one hand and shield, heavy armor (and possible wear one piece of medium armor to use the evade active skill and/or one piece of light armor for the spellresist active skill). Except for bound armor the rest will only cost stamina... By level 50 you will have over 1000 stamina without placing a single point into it (compared to maybe 1500 if you place every single attribute point into an attribute). The difference is not that huge tbh....
  2. also remember that all it takes to become a healer (for example) is to dress up in light armor, stay back, wield a restoration staff and use all 5 skills from the restoration staff on your hot bar. you don't have to be a templar for that. being a templar simply opens up more healing options. like wielding a two handed sword and dealing dps while using your 12m pbaoe templar heals and templar buffs. having more options is never a bad thing so really dedicated healers will probably pick templars (and restoration staff passives stack with templar actives so a really dedicated templar will probably wield a restoration staff) Also, most of your attribute pools come from the points you automatically get when you level up (*not* the extra attribute points that you are free to distribute each time you level up). So even if your focus is stamina or health you can still be a good healer (but you might have a magicka pool that is 66% the size of someone that placed all his points into magicka). I don't think Aldmeri Dominion will lack healers. A vast majority of all Altmer will sink attribute points into magicka to become casters and they will all be very viable healers by just picking up a restoration staff - no matter what their original class selection is.... however, I think that aldmeri dominion will seriously lack tanks. Most people that really like to play a tank will pick Orsimer in the dagger fall covernant or either Argonian or Nord in the Ebonheart Pact. So if you want to be a tank and not having to worry about so much competition then I think Almeri Dominion is the faction to be in. Sinking attributes into health. Possible picking dragon knight as class. Wielding sword n' board. You will be very popular in that faction =)
  3. If you plan on playing a PvE tank and like to feel a bit unique and important; then you should *seriously* consider rolling in the Aldmeri Dominion. My guess is that they will have a serious lack of tanks. A vast majority of all Altmers will be light armor casters, the majority of all bosmer will go archery and the majority of all khajiit will be sneaky melee dps. On the PvE side you don't compete with races from the other factions anyway. Dungeons will be locked and tuned to one faction only... The Ebonheart Pact have two tank options (Argonian and Nord) and Daggerfall have one (Orsimer). All three factions will probably have healers (Altmer, Argonians and Brenton) - although Argonians does not really make better healers once restoration staff is maxed out (still, the XP bonus to restoration staff will bring healers to the faction). Argonians might actually make great templars (as they have mostly 12m pbaoe heals and buffs) since they on average will be closer to the action and might need to self heal now and then (taking advantage of that healing received buff).
  4. did you expand my spoilers? i covered quite a few in there.... edit removed the big spoiler as it might be more confusing than anything. important thing is david have the information so he can add it to the db. as for your question: ultimate at class skill line rank 12 actives at class skill line rank 1, 4, 24, 34 and 50 passives at class skill line rank 8, 19, 29 and 39 this might or might not be accurate for all classes and class skill line, but it was accurate for at least some class skill lines in the videos i've seen so far. the above might or might not also change before release.
  5. here might be some useful stuff. mostly from the various leaked videos from the september build. 1) Check my big spoiler in the previous post2) You get the option to morph [all active] skills when you leveled that individual skill to level 43) You don't get the skill at CHARACTER level 50, you get the skill at SKILL LINE rank. Morph (morph cost 1 skill point and you do it at skill rank V, I actually think your skill will be stuck at 4.99 until you decide to spend a skill point to morph it) increase one aspect of the ability.
  6. Nice find. You start with 100 in each attribute and you gain 20 in each attribute for each level. By level 3 you will have 140 in each attribute. By level 50 you should have have 1080 in each attribute. In the video he have 1143 Stamina without spending points in it. Maybe he got leather armor passives that drive it up (but i think medium only give you stamina regen, not stamina pool) enchantments...? pvp bonus for holding pvp objectives...? do armor and weapons have attribute bonus in eos...? You also get 1 attribute point to spend per level (after the first) that give you another 10. By level 3 you can have 190, 140, 140 or 150, 150, 150 or any combination in between. By level 50 you should will have 490 spare points to allocate. That mean the bulk of your attributes will come from level and only a minority will be from actual allocation. You can basically spend all your points to increase ONE attribute up to 50% (or 45.3% rather). I have no idea how much extra you can get from armor & weapons plus enchantments / armor smith / weapon smith - if any.... Having said that... It seem as if your resources (all of them) will drop VERY FAST and regenerate pretty fast as well (even mid combat). Only slotting abilities fueled by stamina (dual wield, two hand, bow, one hand and shield) will be gimping yourself big time. It seem as if you want to utilize both Stamina and Magicka. Only slotting abilities fuled by magicka (class line abilities, destruction staff, restoration staff) is not as bad as you can still utilize stamina for dodge, sprint, block etc... But I think you would want to have at least one spammable ability fueled by stamina in order to double dip into both resources (that mean you probably would want to have one of dual wield, two hand, bow or one hand and shield as at least one of your weapon switch selections). 1143 is pretty close to 1080. - point is still that you get the vast majority of attribute points from level alone. This make it easy to switch roles. Just dress up in plate. Grab a shield. Replace your 5 actives with shield skills. Bang. You are now a tank. Dress up in cloth. Grab a resto staff. Replace your 5 actives with resto staff skills. You are now a healer. (It is Chinese, not Japanese)
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