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Everything posted by Terhix

  1. My intial response when I saw the game announced and done by a studio that's not beth, was that it's going to be crap. The first footage I saw just confirmed it, and I stopped following the game completely after two weeks or so.I came back to check the status of the game few weeks ago, and got quite positively surprised, just seeing first person mode was huge. First person mode, sneaking and sneak attack with bow all working, made me quite cheerful. Then seeing how the class system actually works and how much freedom there really is, made me calm.I don't expect this game to play like Skyrim, and I think that anybody who does will be disappointed. There are compromises to be made if you want to make not just an online game, but an MMO, and if you absolutely detest MMOs... well, this is an MMO no matter how you slice it. That being said, ESO does go off the beaten path and while it does have to compromise, it seems to compromise the genre with the franchise and it's key mechanics very well - just by limiting the siillbar to 5+1 and getting rid of cooldowns, while keeping the basic actions (light attack, heavy attack, block, bash, dodge, sprint - that would be 6 skills on a bar in a WoW type of an MMO) natural and transparent, they threw away a whole lot of playing the interface game out of the window - which is absolutely brilliant.The graphics of the game also got a huge upgrade, I remember first screenshots of argonians and was very disappointed, the more recent character creation video they showed us is a completely different world. I saw the ogrim video, and seen the feedback to it, then saw the video get comments disabled and felt disappointed, so you can imagine how happy I was to see it being redone, and awesomely too. The first person mode from quake con still looked lackluster, but given the record of them actually listening to what players want, I'm calm about that too. In one interview they said that they are, in fact in the process of making high res textures for every single weapon in game, just to make the first person mode look good.TL;DR: it's not going to be like Skyrim just with multiplayer added, but it won't be a cookie cutter MMO just themed for Elder Scrolls either.(typed on a tablet, forgive any spelling mistakes)
  2. I want my Skyrim perk reducing spell damage while blocking with shield by half (there is one from mages guild, but it's just 15%).
  3. All of that is normal and expected in an MMO. You can have collision detection and aiming in 3d environment in a small scale combat where a lot of logic is handled by client side (not to mention single player games where networking isn't a problem at all). I still have nightmares over how badly collision detection was implemented in Warhammer, and even when it did work, it barely fulfilled the promise of making the combat any richer.
  4. Yeah, I'm not sold on the PvE bars at all, a lot of that depends on so many variables: can I keep the selfbuffs without siphoning strikes nor spending points in stamina/magicka? Do I even need to keep them up at all times, or am I okay to keep maybe one, and pop rest during heavy damage phases? Is puncture enough for agro, or should I grab some aoe for trash? Regarding that last one, that's why I made my 2h set aoe centric, it should still have some single target dps just with regular / power attacks with momentum and haste, but I don't intend to dps with it, it's more of a secondary mode to switch to when dealing with plenty of annoying trash. Solo / leveling load-outs would be naturally different. I can definitely drop Strife from tanking build, I was thinking exactly the same - more mitigation would most likely be more beneficial with a healer around. I only put it there because I just love the sheer idea of the skill - in general being a dot casting, life sucking tank is something I've really liked in Rift (Reaver), and wasn't able to play in an MMO since.
  5. Ok. Might as well post my stuff here. I'm mostly going for a tank nightblade, which is not something most of you guys do I gather. PvP: 1h+shield Bow1 - Puncture 1 - Volley3 - Shield charge 2 - Siphoning Strikes4 - Immovable 3 - Magelight4 - Cripple 4 - Cripple5 - Strife 5 - StrifeU - Death Stroke U - Consuming Darkness1h+shield being main set, might replace Puncture with Power Bash, depending on how useful armor debuff will be. Shield Charge since it's cheaper than Teleport Strike and uses stamina rather than magicka. Bow is for utility / zerg wars, also contemplating using resto staff with a hot instead of Volley, but for what it is it's pretty straight forward: siphoning strikes + range attack to replenish resources, volley for target ground aoe + root. Might replace Magelight with Mark Target. All in all this is just a guideline for what I want to do, I tend to change builds 20 times over once I get to play what I crafted. PvE: 1h+shield 2h1 - Puncture 1 - Cleave3 - Siphoning Strike 2 - Haste4 - Immovable 3 - Momentum4 - Blur 4 - Power Drain5 - Strife 5 - StrifeU - Orc Racial U - Orc RacialAgain 1h+shield being (obviously for a tank in PvE) the main set for boss tanking. Puncture to taunt, Siphoning Strikes to keep those resources coming so I can keep up the sellfbuffs and Strife up. Might replace Blur with Shade for a debuff. 2h is more for aoe dps than tanking.
  6. Going to make an orc. Female. And then fap to it before and after every kill.
  7. Hence it's just a speculation, nothing more. I'd be also interested to see what sort of morphs half of those skills get.
  8. This is my pure speculation, but given the apparent high cost of Mark Target, I wouldn't be surprised if it also ignored % damage resistances from things like Spiked Armor (wording appears to be: "resist 30% damage").
  9. Fair enough. That still sounds weird to me and doesn't quite explain why they had to do a separate selection for the alliance above the races if there is one on the upper left corner (it's present in the Quakecon video as well). I'm not keeping my hopes high or anything, just wanted to point out that the UI is different.
  10. I only just watched the video from the original post in this thread, and that shot is from that video. I don't think they made it on a private server, and even if they did - changing login options shouldn't change the UI of the client, which at the moment of the Quakecon video looked like this: Notice there is no separate selection for alliance here, yet there is one in the leaked footage that's more recent.
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