My intial response when I saw the game announced and done by a studio that's not beth, was that it's going to be crap. The first footage I saw just confirmed it, and I stopped following the game completely after two weeks or so.I came back to check the status of the game few weeks ago, and got quite positively surprised, just seeing first person mode was huge. First person mode, sneaking and sneak attack with bow all working, made me quite cheerful. Then seeing how the class system actually works and how much freedom there really is, made me calm.I don't expect this game to play like Skyrim, and I think that anybody who does will be disappointed. There are compromises to be made if you want to make not just an online game, but an MMO, and if you absolutely detest MMOs... well, this is an MMO no matter how you slice it. That being said, ESO does go off the beaten path and while it does have to compromise, it seems to compromise the genre with the franchise and it's key mechanics very well - just by limiting the siillbar to 5+1 and getting rid of cooldowns, while keeping the basic actions (light attack, heavy attack, block, bash, dodge, sprint - that would be 6 skills on a bar in a WoW type of an MMO) natural and transparent, they threw away a whole lot of playing the interface game out of the window - which is absolutely brilliant.The graphics of the game also got a huge upgrade, I remember first screenshots of argonians and was very disappointed, the more recent character creation video they showed us is a completely different world. I saw the ogrim video, and seen the feedback to it, then saw the video get comments disabled and felt disappointed, so you can imagine how happy I was to see it being redone, and awesomely too. The first person mode from quake con still looked lackluster, but given the record of them actually listening to what players want, I'm calm about that too. In one interview they said that they are, in fact in the process of making high res textures for every single weapon in game, just to make the first person mode look good.TL;DR: it's not going to be like Skyrim just with multiplayer added, but it won't be a cookie cutter MMO just themed for Elder Scrolls either.(typed on a tablet, forgive any spelling mistakes)