I don't want to be critical but i am dissappointed with the racial passives. I agree that certain races should have characteristics that make them more suited to a specific playstyle, but from what i can tell the racial passives are too biased to a certain playstlye in that i can predict that when we start playing next year that: 90% of High Elfs will be sorcerers, 90% of Khajits will be nightblade and 90% of Orcs will be tanky/melee. In previous games i've played i've enjoyed not knowing to some extent what the next guy was going to be. It made questing and pvping interesting. If Zenimax thought it important to keep the passives, then why not make the additional passives exclusive to a class? Maybe i am being silly. I just wanted there to be more balance between races, so that that people could choose a race on lore and looks, not just OP racials.