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About Luke

  • Birthday 02/23/1988

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  1. HI gents and ladies. Please could you tell me what pvp is like? I am burnt out on games that focus alot on pvp so trying to avoid competitive games. I'd like to know is it possible to avoid pvp entirely? Thanks!
  2. Muscle, it was my intention to have an ultimate slotted in set 1 and actives in set 2. Clearly it would be retarded to not have an ultimate ability slotted. I was under the impression that ultimates had a high cost to make them not spammable, meaning that an active ability, though maybe less powerful, would be more efficient in certain situations. No need for sarcasm. You just reminded me why i stopped playing mmos.
  3. I think there is going to be content for 24 player groups. The Qaukecon video showed a glimpse of the 'looking for group' feature and there was options for 4/ 24 player. Would it be too farfetched to suggest cross faction raiding? Ok, in Cyrodil we are kicking each other's butt, right? But why not join forces to get our souls back from Malag Bal? From my perspective i think i'll get bored of just doing dungeons with the same 2 races all the time. Guys please don't be too harsh on me for suggesting this. I have never played any Elder Scrolls game before, so know little of the history between the races. I was just putting this point forward from a neutral gamer's perspective.
  4. I don't want to be critical but i am dissappointed with the racial passives. I agree that certain races should have characteristics that make them more suited to a specific playstyle, but from what i can tell the racial passives are too biased to a certain playstlye in that i can predict that when we start playing next year that: 90% of High Elfs will be sorcerers, 90% of Khajits will be nightblade and 90% of Orcs will be tanky/melee. In previous games i've played i've enjoyed not knowing to some extent what the next guy was going to be. It made questing and pvping interesting. If Zenimax thought it important to keep the passives, then why not make the additional passives exclusive to a class? Maybe i am being silly. I just wanted there to be more balance between races, so that that people could choose a race on lore and looks, not just OP racials.
  5. That's good, although i still think that having 2 more actives plus 1 ultimate per set would be epic. I appreciate that the reason of having 5 actives plus 1 ultimate is to give you a better view of the environment; it's just that with there being so many incredible abilities i want as many to use as possible. What would you guys say to having the option of slotting an active ability into an ultimate slot? I have been thinking about my nightblade skills and the thought came to me that sometimes an extra active ability might be more useful than an ultimate. I know this might seem crazy as ultimate abilities have awesome powers, but in comparison to stamina and magicka spells they are costly so having an extra active abililty might give you an advantage. What do you think?
  6. So if i had two 2H swords equipped i could change instantly whilst in combat to a second set of abilities? So if the battle started to turn against me i could swap to a more defensive setup? That would be great and would make it more fun. Regards to my earlier post i think i would be an Altmer because i like the way the elves look and with ESO having a lot of content to explore i guess it would be important. The 3% dmg for fire would help my sun abilities and the 10% magicka i guess would mean i could spend more points into health.
  7. Templar. Heavy armour. 2H sword. My idea is to create a build that supports both melee and spell attacks. I would like to solo comfortably by myself whilst being helpful in raids/ heroics. Ultimate = radial sweep (low cost so hopefully will use a lot) actives 1) sunfire 2) solar flare (to help pull targets and set up next attack) 3) momentum (12% dmg every 2 secs) 4) cleave (small splash dmg) 5) spear shards (aoe and 15% bonus to dmg) The passives will help my playstyle: illuminate (targets affected by sun dmg deal 10% less dmg) piercing spear (bonus to dmg) balanced warrior (melee power increase) burning light (chance on hit to deal additional spear dmg) I have chosen heavy armour because i want some survivabilty. The health regen passives are great and more pieces of heavy armour means greater melee power. I have chosen 2H sword for 5% dmg, chance to apply procs, splash dmg 25% and after killing foe you recieve stam regen. I hope this works for pve. I understand that this build wouldn't be any good in pvp because of lack of stuns and so fourth. On a general note regarding ESO, do you guys think having 6 spells to use is enough? I would like to have atleast 2 more to make battles more fun.
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