Yes you do have to be a citizen in Denmark, for instance, to be able to get free education, with a monthly grant that covers your living expenses (at least minimum living expenses which is approximately 1000 US dollars) if you are 18 years of age. However you also have to pay at least 45% income tax, 25% Value Added Tax on every single thing you buy, and as of right now, a cheeseburger at a Mcdonalds in Denmark costs 1 dollar and 81 cents (US dollars converted) :DBut in my opinion it is totally worth it. I may not be able to make as much money as I would like, but my kids however will be able to get any education they want, if they are able to get a good grade average in high school of course (allowing them acces to more of the popular colleges and universities, like law school, medical school etc.)Furthermore healthcare is also free, so if I'm one day injured, I will get free health care and get paid no less than 90% of my income prior to the accident for the full amount of time I'm unable to work, even If I will never be able to work again.