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Everything posted by Dane

  1. Yes you do have to be a citizen in Denmark, for instance, to be able to get free education, with a monthly grant that covers your living expenses (at least minimum living expenses which is approximately 1000 US dollars) if you are 18 years of age. However you also have to pay at least 45% income tax, 25% Value Added Tax on every single thing you buy, and as of right now, a cheeseburger at a Mcdonalds in Denmark costs 1 dollar and 81 cents (US dollars converted) :DBut in my opinion it is totally worth it. I may not be able to make as much money as I would like, but my kids however will be able to get any education they want, if they are able to get a good grade average in high school of course (allowing them acces to more of the popular colleges and universities, like law school, medical school etc.)Furthermore healthcare is also free, so if I'm one day injured, I will get free health care and get paid no less than 90% of my income prior to the accident for the full amount of time I'm unable to work, even If I will never be able to work again.
  2. where are you getting those numbers from???Seriously I want to know, besides I didn't come up with an actual build for you to make assumptions as to what you should wear and put attribute points into. I simply wanted to explain that light armor is better for spell casting (with more magicka associated with the armor pieces) and heavy armor better for survivabilty (with higher armor and health associated with the armor pieces).If I'm wrong then why would a caster wear anything other than heavy armor in ESO (if you don't look at passives and attribute points for a minute, although they definately play a part in character building)???
  3. Where do you know that you will have over 1000 stamina at lvl 50? In the videos I have seen every piece of light armor (regardless of lvl or rarity) will give the wearer magicka, medium armor willprovide stamina, and heavy armor will provide health, with an armor stat as well (of course) where for instance a lvl 10 heavy armor belt gives more armor than, a medium armor lvl 10 belt which gives more than a light armor equavalent. This is the stats that the specific armor gives and has nothing to do with passives in armor skill trees or attribute points.Therefore a person who wants to be dealing massives amounts of spell dmg will have to have a large magicka pool, and can acquire such from wearing light armor, and putting attribute points in magicka. If a person would then wear heavy armor instead of light armor they will not have access to a big pool of magicka compared to wearing only light armor for instance. Therefore you will have to make a choice as a caster. If you want lots of magicka to do lots of dmg then you might want to consider light armor instead of heavy armor. Naturally with spells like Dark Exchanhe you can get past this problem but that spell will most likely be more effecient if you have lots of stamina, so you might also have to consider some medium armor in your armor build. Remember that each choice of armor (as well choice of skill abilities and attribute point allocation) has positives as well as negatives sides to it. I am sure that I will see a lot of sorcs in heavy armor in the game, that will have more health than light armor wearing sorcs, but the light armor wearing ones will have much more magicka and not so much health (looking past attribute points for a second). You can't have your cake and eat it too And I will se you guys in ESO when it launches!
  4. Still no new info on the Racial skill lines for the Aldmeri Dominion and Daggerfall Covenenant?Can't someone put a guy on a fact-finding mission or something?
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