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Everything posted by More-Oh-Wind

  1. Physical Imperial FTW. Gimme dat map bitch Gimme dat soundtrack bitch Gimme dat statue bitch
  2. My bets are that it will be rated Teen. No emphasis on drugs./ alcohol. No blood and Gore. But plenty of dark themes and more mature topics to go around. Probably darker than most M rated games in general.
  3. Meh, either way we have 2 months for the PC kids to play the release version, and us Ps4 kiddies will get the month 1 and 2 patches on release (hopefully it would be silly to have to play through the same glitches that they fixed in the months prior release.
  4. I'm going to let you all guess what my most played Elder Scrolls Game is... MORROWIND! In fact if I'd like anything from ESO is simply MORE-oh-wind. The Oh-wind is the mystical force that Bethesda harnessed to make TES3 ermazing! I played the unholy shit out of that game. I played it at a friends house and it totally transformed my gaming life. I bougt Morrowind 1 month before I could afford an Xbox (why buy an xbox if you can't play Morrowind on it?) and read the instruction manual cover-to-cover the whole time, imagining all the spells and everything, and when I finally got to playing it, it was even more amazing than I could have possibly imagined. Just to put it all into perspective I had one (of many dozens and dozens of characters) who legitimately maxxed everything out. It took forever, but he was an utter bad-ass. I will always be fond of that game. (uh I also played Oblivion and Skyrim) But some of the magic has been lost in recent iterations. In Skyrim I tinkered with a couple of characters, but eventually I just settled on one character who just explored the world, and didn't really bother with towns and quests etc. Also the Shield tree > all others in terms of fun. Unlimited sneak at a full sprint???? Only with a shield
  5. fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap *reads emperor skill line* *shits self* Oh god, I'm shitting all over myself! Aughhh so embarrassing D: *reads Undaunted skill line* *vomits profusely* Huuuughhhhlllll sooooo goooood!!! Huuurrrrrllllllrrrlrlrlggggghhh *reads new morphs* Ohh god,, I'm cumming, raarrrrllllrarrllll, it won't stop spraying!!! *trys to point away from monitor* OH GOD IT SHATTERED THE WINDOW!!! NO IT GOT ON THE OLD LADY OUTSIDE NOOOOO, BUT SILL SOO GOOD NEWWW INFOOOZZZZZ *finished cumming, then goes back to toilet to continue shitting and vomiting*
  6. NOOO MY PRECIOUS STAMINA REGEN ON A KHAJIIT!!! Doesn't make sense IMO, but I'm sure it does from a AvAvA battle scenario
  7. Hope they add additional morphs as expansions go out to give even more variety/ flavor
  8. Met a girly that plays TES. Best day evar! We'll totes play ESO 2gether
  9. I generally spend anywhere from 20 minutes to 2 hours on character creation
  10. Your link goes to a blog that doesn't have the full article, only a link to a ljnk to it (unless I'm just stupid). Please hyperlink to: http://elderscrollsonline.com/en/news/post/2013/10/21/ask-us-anything-variety-pack-9
  11. HP: 20 Mag: 0 Stam: 29 Gear: Head: Glass: Magick Resist Chest: Curiass of the savior's hide??? Pauldrons: Glass: Sprint Legs: Glass: Dodge Boots: Glass: Dodge Glove 1: Glass: Power Glove 2: Glass: Crit Amulet: Resist Magicka Ring: Resist Magicka Ring: Rsist Magicka Dagger: Mehrunes Razor -or- Fire/ ice/ lightning dagger Shield: Improved Blocking 2nd setup Lightning Axe Resist Magicka Shield Plan: Run up, pivot around enemy with a buncha quick stabs, dodge out of combat, dodge back in. Shield charge like a mofo. Stun, slash, slash, slash *sneak* BACKSTAB!!!!! Dodge out, sprint away, hide. If this works like Skyrim at all, I plan to be a big pain in the ass in combat. And if I can get my defenses high enough to withstand blows on my shield, I'll forgo more health for much more stamina. If it works like Skyrim I really enjoyed playing a glass tank. Yes that's right. Super beefy defense with low HP. And all that extra stam for running around and doing a lot of power attacks with a dagger.
  12. I'm probably going to the PS4. So muscles you'll see me there. I have no idea what my PSN could be yet... I went PS1, then Xbox, then 360, but the PS4 looks like it'll win me back. That being said I might build a PC solely for this game if my room8s also build pc rigs. But I REALLY hope they effectively use the PS4 touchpad. Have you tried it out yet? It's actually legit and not at all gimmicky
  13. I wanna be a khajiit. Then I can haz cheezburger. then I'll pop out liek a c-ling cat and go. I hav eated ur head lolz hmmm.... floor(pi)
  14. Nightblade Assasin Tank Assination with hast/ blur Sword and Board Medium Armor - max stamina Durability and tear sh* up Bow - secondary - Shadow Night blade Sneaky DPS build
  15. You're welcome! Just glad to shed some light on two of my favorite topics. Hope to see you online on ESO. I haven't had the chance to play it, but the new stuff coming out gives me the shivers. I am really excited for the pvp. Especially seeing the archer on top of the castle poking his head out to blast a couple of arrows as a warrior down below then pops out, and BAM! that warrior has a destruction staff he's blasting electricity back at him.
  16. Long answer no. I have played D&D extensively, and while elder scrolls at one point has many similarities, skyrim onward is moving away from that direction. Key Differences: Dungeons and Dragon's characters are based off of four main considerations: Attributes, skills, feats, and class features. Elder Scrolls online characters will grow based off Ability and Crafting progression alone. What this means is that in Dungeons and Dragons if you wanted to increase your carrying capacity and damage as a warrior, you would want to focus on having a high str stat. However in Eso, you would just look for things that increased "damage" or "Carrying capacity" So no primary stats mean that you cannot naturally a faster speed stat, or dex stat, but you have to focuse directly on the derived attributes. (This would be like just boosting Fort saves directly instead of Boosting Con). Another way that ESO is moving away is limiting non-combat skill lines. In D&D you want to get better at talking? Upgrade diplomacy skill. In Eso? Go fly a kite and gtfo. No skill point progression for things like talking, lock picking, sneaking, seeing/hearing, etc. The final key difference goes with the class progression. In D&D the bulk of your abilites stemmed from your primary class choice. If you were a ranger, you're getting favored enemy etc. In ESO the class abilities are "optional" There are many sources for abilities, and you have to choose a limited number to use at once. So in ESO you have a larger repetoir of abiliteis you know, however can only use a set number at any given time. In Dungeons and Dragons, you might not have as many choices, however all are available to you at one time. I guess ESO's entire tree is similar to how a Wizard casts spells. They wake up in the morning and choose the specific spells they want to cast that day from their book, however another day could use a totally different set of spells. This is like ESO, just choose your abilities you want to know for the day and head out. Also another important difference is in the method of gaining XP. in D&D the party fights a group of monsters and gets xp towards their next level. In ESO you level up specific abilities simply by using them repeatedly. So individual skills get more powerful, and that determines your level. As you gain a certain amount of experience for certain skills, then you get to level up. Which does nothing more than allow you to add a point to your "attributes" of health, stamina, and mana. (And gain access to higher levels of gear presumably) Also there is a key difference in resource regeneration. In D&D you had to cast a healing spell, or sleep to get HP back. Same thing with Spells per day. In ESO your resources (hp, stamina, mana) are constantly regenerating. This is possibly one of the bigger differences. In D&DF you had to carefully choose how much power you wnated to put into a specific encounter, not knowing what could come up later in the day. Sure you killed that goblin tribe with 6 meteor spells, but when that dragon comes later that day, you are totally out of meteors to toss. In Eso you should enter every single fight more or less at full capacity. If you are not at full resources, just sit around for a hot minute to gain your stuff back. No crossbows, spears/reach, throwing weapons available in ESO. (Please add Spears in an expansion I'm begging) Enemy A.I. behaviors. You may be able to manipluate the computer controlled enemies in a far greater degree than you could trick them in D&D. I.e. if a baddy is attackign your friend, then you can do enough damage to peel him off your friend and "aggro" you. Aggro dynamics are one of the key things that make fights varied. Another small note dying occurs at 0 hp, not -10 hp There are also a GREAT many similarities. Crafting! The more you craft the more you grow in ability and the higher level things you can craft. Also takes specific resources for higher level crafting. Very similar to D&D. Questing. A quest could come from anywhere. Talk to NPC's and they may have something for you. these can range from silly to grand in scale. Often encounters can lead to epic forts, dank dungeons, against armies of enemy forces etc. Castle siege: If you bought the D&D expansion packs no doubt you came accross ballistae, trebuchet etc. In this you can destroy castle walls, break down gates, etc with grand ole' siege weaponary. Like D&D 4.0 skills are often nuanced special attacks. For example a sheild/ sword char in eso might have a low attack that does a little less damage, but root an opponent in place. Like 4.0 there are abilities that have special attack parameters and augment combat in small ways. A good team blend of these skills seems similar to a well working part in 4.0 Fantasy Setting. Elder scrolls is a deep, living, breathing world, with epic tonnes of lore to discover about the mysterious world around you. Massive exploration. Eventually you will be able to explore an entire continents worth of content. How big it will all really be is yet to be seen, but I have faith that it will be largest, most varied modern Elder Scrolls to explore. ( I like morrowind too, but 70% of the map was ash.) So this is not quite the D&D online you might be looking for. True role playing elements are something that you as a player will have to create as the game itself will offer a far more shallow role playing experience than D&D. However it sounds like player choice does matter, and people will react to your choices. However compared to the freedom that D&D gives players, ESO will end up feeling far more restrictive. However if you can get past the lack of potential RP depth, or find a group of like-minded players, then I thin you will enjoy the possibilities of changing characters on the fly. Also if you like exploring I am very excited for the screen shots I've seen of the environment, architecture, etc. I believe the enemy group tactics will make battles varied and thrilling. Also the character customization and item crafting look like you can create your own unique looking toon. Let me know if you have any additional questions. I have digested a vast amount of content from both elder scrolls and dungeons and dragons, so would be happy to shed light on topics as I am able.
  17. VERY excited to play my medium armor sword and dagger Khajit now!!! SOOO GOOD RACIALS (Like the best for my favorite build) Now just to see which Nightblade tree will keep me alive the longest
  18. This is great news! Should end the "guild-hopping" fears that many of us had. Nice to know that you can play the virtu-conomy while still being able to stay a loyal member to several guilds. +1 The only question is will this be a "strictly" guild shop, where all guild members have equal access to post goods, or will there be any "individual" shop, where one player (character) can post all their wares, or will they have on screen competition with their guildmates. With the first you have easy access for shoppers, while the others allow certain players to become renowned vendors, and even focus on a better return investment by using "loss-leader" tactics to get a loyal following, that might be more difficult to brand across an entire guild depending on size. What do you all think on the virtues of the two options?
  19. Hey fellas, A new ask us anything article has been released. Read it here: http://www.elderscrollsonline.com/en/news/post/2013/09/23/ask-us-anything-lore Some interesting tid-bits in here for you lore fanatics, but no new gameplay information (which is what I suspect most of us to be at this site for) Thank-you, - More "Oh" Wind
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