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Everything posted by Soaks

  1. I read somewhere that all items in the game will be craftable. This made me worry a bit. I guess they won't make the crafted items bound to the character (perhaps no items are bound?) My worry is that this will make the game less about skill and more about gold farming. If I can just buy all the best gear in the game without doing the any of the difficult content it will cheapen the experience a lot for me. I can see that it makes the game a heaven for gold sellers as well. This is what made me quit playing Neverwinter Online. Why spend weeks and weeks playing to get the gear you want when you can just buy it for real life money. It just kills any sens of achievement and pride you would normally feel over your gear in an MMO. Please tell me that I've misunderstood something here.
  2. Thanks for this! Even though I don't quite understand how to get the passives or how many skills I'll be able to choose, it made some interesting reading.
  3. Seems like a weird coincident that the least popular race would get the "best" racials. Are Zenimax attempting to lure more people to the Daggerfall Covenant, do you think? I'm not currently wearing a tinfoil hat, I promise.
  4. After seeing the racials I've now decided on Orc. I guess you could pick any of the AD races. There doesn't seem to be a clear winner for tanking in AD, it would depend on playstyle, as you said.
  5. Poor AD, They didn't get any race with tanking stats like those of the Nords or Orcs :/ You don't need to be psychic to see that there will be a lack of tanks in AD.
  6. YEEEES! I was hoping orcs would get the tanky stats! Totally awesome! Thanks for sharing this!
  7. Good, someone who doesn't agree, interesting! I've never been any good at math so all I got to go on is my experience in other games and to me 7% increased healing received seems huge. I guess it will depend on how much healing is being received. Perhaps the Nord will outperform Argonians in a 4-man group with 1 healer, but in a raid with 2 or more healers + self heals, I believe the Argonians will do better. Will be interesting to see how it ends up. I doubt the Argonian ultimate will be used at all in raids, where mitigation almost always beats self healing, but in 4-man dungeons it might be sweet in many situations.
  8. The 4% hp regen is worse than it looks. (If I've understood it right) All races have 3% regen so nords only get 1% more than the rest. I hope more races will get the %heal boost, though. I haven't decided what faction I'm going to play yet. I'm hoping the Orcs or High Elfs will get something like that. I'd rather play in any those factions tbh. Here's a link to the leaked racials http://eldersouls.com/topic/4373-ebonheart-racial-skill-list/ only the Ebonheart pact ones have been leaked so far.
  9. I haven't yet decided what race to play, but I know I'll be tanking. That's why I'm asking.
  10. Argonian Histskin - Health regen increased by 100 for 15 sec. Activated elite ability Passive [*]15% faster xp in resto skill line [*]No reduction in combat stamina regen while in water [*]+26 poison and disease resist [*]7% increased healing received Nord Battle Cry - 7% AE damage increase anyone in area, activated Passive [*]2h skill again 15% faster [*]Robust - 4% combat regen HP [*]Resist Frost - 39 cold resist [*]Rugged - Armor increased by 50 I know it might be a bit early to tell but I would like to hear your thoughts. I imagine that the 50+ armor isn't much to write home about, or it would cause balancing issues at low level. My guess is that the Argonian tanks would outperform the Nord especially in a raid setting. Even in a smaller group the Argonian might win out if the migration boost that the Nord gets is as small as I fear. Or am I wrong?
  11. Argonian Histskin - Health regen increased by 100 for 15 sec. Activated elite ability Passive [*]15% faster xp in resto skill line [*]No reduction in combat stamina regen while in water [*]+26 poison and disease resist [*]7% increased healing received Dark ElfAncestral Guardian - 15 seconds, activated can taunt Passive [*]Ambidexterity - 15% xp for Dual Wield [*]Dynamic - Magic and stam increased 3% [*]Resist Flame - 40 fire resist [*]Flame Talent - Fire damage increased 7% You are probably right, though both seem to be viable for casters of different types,
  12. The choice of making redguards tanks instead of orcs seems like an odd one to me. Sure, both are warior races but all orcish armor we have seen so far have been heavy. Orcs seem to be a bit anti magic as well, kind of like the nords. I felt resonably sure they were going to be the tanky ones. If this is true a lot of people will be as surprised as me, I bet. One other thing that stands out in my view is that Argonians are paired with High elfs and Bretons instead of having Dark elfs up there. This all seems a bit fishy to me. If this is correct the devs have made some strange choices indeed.
  13. Cool ty! If this turns out to be the case, I'll be a kitty tank as well! Rawr!
  14. Will the Khajit be the tanky ones in AD? This piece of info on the official ESO site looks like a hint that the Woodelfs will get our sweet, sweet tanking racials :F "Wood Elves are experts at the art of defense. They are also gifted archers" But perhaps you know something I don't? BTW thanks for the link. I had not read that yet. "I think a large portion of this aversion may stem from “Dragonknights†being associated with Nords in the minds of many fans, despite their availability to all 3 alliances. The most recent TES installment of Skyrim made the tension between Altmer and Nords particularly manifest, so for some Aldmeri players, choosing the Dragonknight class feel like a bit of a betrayal." quote from that site you linked. I think its more likely that many players have similar feelings as me about tanking as the tiny race, and therefore avoid AD altogether. I'd personally like my character to look like he could do the part (so basicly anything other then a Woodelf in the TES universe)
  15. Ok good to know. I thought it sounded a bit Op with 4 % extra regen. Are the betas limited to a few races so far? Or how come the other factions racials haven't been leaked yet? I would like to know if the orcs or the redguards gets the tanky racials as well. I can see them making either of them tanky.
  16. "having 4% HP reg instead of 3% is huge.." Could you explain what you mean by this, please. I thought nords got 4% more not 1%
  17. Ye, I'm considering Nord as well. But I'm simply too much of a hipster to play a Nord. Seems like it will be the most popular race in the most popular faction. I'd rather be the underdog. But if the racials beat orcs by much I'll probably change my mind
  18. I would love to be an highelf tank! I hope the racials supports it. When playing MMORPG's I feel I have to max my characters and being gimped from the start isn't the way to go for me. But you might be right some casual players probably don't mind. I would like to be in the Aldmeri Dominion, but I fear that the woodelfs will be the ones to get tanky racials and I refuse to be a tiny tank! I'll probably end up playing an orc in the end. Hopefully someone leaks the other racials soon. I can't wait!
  19. Hi! I've been wondering wether or not I'll be able to do dungeons with people in other factions? If not, that raises some other questions. Like, wich faction will have the most tanks and healers? For example, based on previous TES games, Aldmeri Dominion lacks any races that are natural tanks/melee. I could see this leading to alot of problems. It seems like some factions will have an abounence of either ranged or melee players. This could potentionally lead to some unbalanced PvE/PvP It's more likely that I've missed some vital information. Anyway, please let me know what you think.
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