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Everything posted by HypeRNT

  1. sign up here for a chance at 500k beta keys from curse http://www.curse.com/news/the-elder-scrolls-online/49348-grab-your-exclusive-beta-key-for-the-elder-scrolls
  2. They just sent them out http://elderscrollsonline.com/en/news/post/2014/02/04/new-beta-invites--february-4th
  3. ahh ok, still i really liked that bear summon, im sad that its not there:(
  4. is that ultimate for the bosmer skill line correct? cuz i haven't seen it anywhere in the beta and i dont understand were it was taken from
  5. So i have the client already from all the beta events ive played, and im downloading this latest patch however i have not yet pre ordered the game, i will be doing so over the weekend. WIll it make me download a new client and therefor download all this crap over again? WIll my beta account work to sign in to the website to pre purchase and if i make a new account on the website, can i just log into the client without having to download a new client? Can someone clear this up cuz i really dont wana re-download the whole thing again, thx in advance.
  6. is the patch 30gigs? cuz i thought it showed on my loading screen that it was patching 30 gigs.. which is crazy cuz i think i already downloaded 40+
  7. I haven't heard much of anything the past month besides few bits and pieces here and there. Ive seen the video interview with shoddycast and that's pretty much it. Any more leaked videos? Any other info? I haven't seen beta invites being released in a while, at least its not no their website like it always was... FEED ME INFO FEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
  8. To people saying 15$ isn't much that's just full of crap, that's a huge amount to pay every month for (1) game and then take the dev's words for it that what they give us at the end of the month will be enough for our 15$ value. This of course not counting you are paying 60$ for 1 month trial.... Which is just fucking crazy. Now is just 15$ a ton of money? For some maybe, for most probably not, but is 15$ over time add up to a lot of money? YES absolutely it does, you will spend 240 dollars in 1 year just for 1 game... and then 180 for every year that you continue to play and to do all this with a ton of other MMORPg's out there that offer very similar stuff in terms of content. Everyone who is not retarded/has downz knows that they are only doing this to pay their dev costs and that in about 8-12 months this game will be F2P or have a reduced membership cost at least by half. They already told us they will have a cash shop, and this cash shop will only get bigger and more expensive as time goes on to cover themselves for when they drop the P2P and go F2P, the signs are there, the knowledge from previous games is there, some folks have gotten the clue, others continue to argue and ignore the simple yet enormous facts in front of them.
  9. So anyone has any links to the actual videos that dont look super shady like they would be filled with tons of viruses? Every leaked video i see posted on here is removed before i can see it.... Starting to question if they are real or not
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