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Everything posted by SkyrimKitten

  1. Well christmas was today and i got the Official Skyrim Guide and i wanted to know what was the difference between the Legendary skyrim guide - book- , and the Official Skyrim guide... Is there anything different? <3<3<3 Please answer my question and please notice im talking about the books and not the game... Thank you for reading my question and taking your time to answer it... <3<3<3 Merry Christmas <3<3<3
  2. if your asking were to get enchant weapons? well you can get them from everywhere truthfully, you can get alot of enchanted weapons from Whiterun, not only whiterun like i said everywhere khajiit sell them for a decent price. When they come to your hold... hold=city if your asking how to enchant? to enchant your own weapons and armor the enchanted weapons you buy from around.... you destroy at an enchanting table and then you choose a item to enchant, use a spell to enchant the item, and a soul gem to get the enchantment to work... If your asking what they sell thats enchanted? Well they sell are weapons and armor and more... mostly weapons... hope this helps if anymore questions please ask me...
  3. well thats only if u have a follower spouse but even if your wife/husband is a follower you will gain money from their inheritance but u can't remarry.
  4. That was happening to me to lol... but the one time i told my husband - Farkas- to sleep and he went to sleep but evverytime i went to go to sleep with him he would get up.. so what i did is i told him to sleep and ran as quickly as possible to the bed before he got up and then i woke up with lovers comfort...lmao and he wakes up mostly likely after i go to sleep... so i say he wakes up like at 6:50 and i wake up at 7:30 lmao he is an early riser... truthfully i don't believe it matters but try some remedies im sure they will work and if not well i guess your SOL...lmao
  5. Well i'm mostly an alchemist you know selling potions i have collected or selling potions i created, but i'm running very low on ingredients..... By the way i live in Whiterun so i would like something close to whiterun because i just started a new game and can die easily.... so if there is like a patch of ingredients near Whiterun or anywhere else with lots of ingredients i'd be very happy... please reply, SkyrimKitten
  6. yea well see i just beat the game and that misson was so far back and i deleted recent save and didn't see it so... that means i lost it... thanks anyway... and believe me i know what you feel it sucks...lol...
  7. I just checked last night and she wasn't there or at riverwood, she's no where to be found?
  8. the dawngaurd keep attacking me no matter what i do? places: *the dawngaurd castle * out in the woods *everywhere *im not a vampire *i do someimes carry serena around. *i completed missions for the dawngaurd. * i only wear my latest armor -glass- i don't bother with them? i can't tink of any reasons why they would attack me or outside holds im located in i don't get it? help if you can thanks,
  9. well when i first started the game i knew nothing about it so after receiving the bow i sold it to the court wizard in solitude for the hjaalmarch house now that i'm farther in the game and know a lot more about the game now i would like it back although i went back for the bow a day later after i sold it, it wasn't there... =( now i realize what i did was stupid and i will never unlock the achievment for the bow? is there any type of way i can get it back? * I had already completed killing Serena's father *i play on xbox360 *To far in the game to go back to the save closest b4 i sold it....
  10. well the kids have very small dialouge options and its not like they can follow you to a town or something... i have 2 in the game and truthfully it's not worth it....well to me anyways
  11. I don't think it sucked but it wasn't the greatest they should have made it just a little more longer...
  12. i've tried the daggers it didn't raise my skill that high and lost lots of money im on level 71 i have glass armor but i want dragon armor i even tried the oghma infinium it only raised it 5 + thats how im level 71.... so i would like some help thanks
  13. i beat alduin the first time and killed Paarthunax then i told i killed him and she said good to see you coming around... now i can't find her? -played on xbox360-
  14. thats cool i didn't know that....so if they were orginally from solitude and died in markarth were would they be buried?
  15. Vampire: Cons 1. Your health, magicka, and stamina do not regenerate during day enless you are in a cave or building. 2. you die quickly to fire - especially if its a fire dragon- 3.people will say side comments. 4. if downloaded dawngaurd will not like you and hunt you. 5. Certain characters in holds will find out your a vampire and hunt you. Pros 1.you can fly -vampire lord- Werewolf: Cons 1. you won't get to rest properly 2. as soon as you turn into a werewolf you will get attacked by everyone 3. People will say you smell like a wolf -side comments- Pros 1. You are really strong and can kill people easily 2. You have shield- sisters and shield-brothers 3. Perks are better
  16. You might want to travel to solitude and see if she appears again if not wait a day or 2 and she is she has returned to whiterun, also if you bought the house in whiterun check your house she is the housecarl for whiterun...... Wait how do you know she is deceased, like what happens is their a list of the deceased there?
  17. If you play on the xbox since she was a main character her body vanishes and doesn't show up at all in the game.. believe me my solitude housecarl died just recently in markarth when i went back to the spot she died her body was gone and i got a letter of inheritance....
  18. As everyone else is saying if you have serena as a follower they will attack you because shes a vampire enless you devamp her. Where a dawngaurds outfit or something settle, and get rid of all your bounties in every city. Well did you kill a vampire that lived in the castle? did you turn into a vampire lord while inside the castle but outside the castle training room? Did you attack one of them? if you did any of these you might want to reload it back if you are a head of that and don't want to go back that far. go to morthal and get cured by Falion then go to the castle once they tell you to get turned back into a vampire you should be fine and if you want turn back into a vampire by having serana biting you....... Hope this helps
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