Not sure if anyone remembers me. I joined a long time ago and was a member for a decent time. I then lost most of my passion for the game and completely stopped playing. I came back just a few months ago with a new high performance computer and had intentions of starting to play again. Well that kind of derailed as the computer starting having problems and I eventually returned it. Thus leaving me without a rig to play RS on.Just a little while ago I purchased another computer that can run Runescape very nicely so I'm back again. I'd like to stay for good but a lot has changed since the last time I was playing. This whole members loyalty thing is just confusing with the Auras and whatnot, I'll probably get it eventually.Anyway, I hope someone remembers me, this time I'll be around for events and I hope to plan some of my own as well.If you'd like to add me my RSN is Pooing.