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can we cut

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can we cut last won the day on July 20 2011

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. It's so nice to see everyone again <3
  2. Goals: -Stat Goals [*]50 (Maybe 60 or 75, need some advice) Attack [*]99 Strength (ofcourse) [*]99 Defense [*]99 Summoning [*](Possibly) 99 Range and Magic [*]Some prayer level. [*]All skilling stats 60+ -Quest Goals [*]Priest In Peril [*]RFD [somewhat] [*]Fight Arena [*]Um.. I don't know what else to put here. -Activity Goals [*]Godwarsblahblahblah [*]Defeating barbarian assault [*]Being useful and in a clan war Achievements: [*]Coming back to The Rebelz
  3. Headstrong -TraptSince You've been gone -Kelly ClarksonStill Waiting -Sum 41Laugh At kelly clarkson. I dare you >__>;.....
  4. Headstrong -TraptSince You've been gone -Kelly ClarksonStill Waiting -Sum 41Laugh At kelly clarkson. I dare you >__>;.....
  5. Thanks Deus. ;D It's awesome to be back.
  6. Hey guys, Dun Turmoil/Can We Cut here, though I prefer Chris. For those of you who don't know me, I'm Sixteen, my hobbies include gaming, martial arts, and sports. School tends to keep me busy so I'm always on and off runescape, though I should be able to be a bit more active now. Ehh.. As for those who know me, Yeah I'm back =DD Hey guys. It's been awhile.If you have any more questions, Just ask. I'll answer.Oh, And I've played runescape since about 04.. 05. Yeah, about then. I kinda' know what's going on, though the market seems TOTALLY Different seeing as how Ranars have gone from ten to three thousand over the last four five months..
  7. ..I forgot where Gamer's Grotto is. @_@;
  8. Overall Events I've seen of late and think everyone would Enjoy (In no particular order.):1) Clan Wide Mini-games, This includes castle wars, Mobilising armies, The burthrope game room, tears of guthix for those capable, fist of guthix, barbarian assault, Etc etc etc.2) Boss Hunting Trips.3) Slayer tower trips.4) Weekly skilling events for both the lower and higher levels.5) Group Questing6) Recruiting events such as parolling all around runescape7) Pk Trips, both P2p (For those willing) and F2p8) "Fun Wars" (within the clan) Reffering to clan wars where people can only wear bronze or costumesEhh.. That's about all I got. Since it has been awhile...
  9. Mm, I do have to agree with fishing right now..
  10. Yeah no kidding, I spend on everything else too. xD
  11. I have to say mine has always been monster hunting, but lately fishing has been bringing in some sort of proffit.
  12. I want to create the ultimate g-mauling tanking summoning thing 8D The Lava cape would be nice too.
  13. RuneScape Name: Can We Cut Forum Name: Dun Turmoil (Display name Can We Cut) Combat Level: 46 Total Level: 386 ( Yeah it's coming up...) Your Timezone: Eastern How You Found Us: Stalked a new member to rejoin Previous Clans: AoE, Shadows Of Runescape, Lost Merchants, The Runescape Rebelz, Some other clans I don't care about. First Impressions: Oooh~! I want to know these people! >_>;
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