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Status Replies posted by APOLLYON

  1. Finally bought skyrim, any words of advice/tips for this newb?

  2. Finally bought skyrim, any words of advice/tips for this newb?



      ^ha, hmm i think i might go sniper:P bow and dagger, with an orc ha.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  3. Finally bought skyrim, any words of advice/tips for this newb?

  4. Way to post a naked woman in the Wives Gone Wild thread, Traag. I was using a public computer.

  5. Someone tried to "recover their forgotten password" on my account. Seems legit.



      That was me, what is you account name again?

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  6. Black Ops2, ps3, 11pm-4am eastern time, Sgt_Miko



      ehh from what tynisa told me, blexun has a freakishly wide penis, yet its only 2 inches long, its a cheese wheel

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  7. Borderlands 2!!!! Sgt_Miko ps3 hmu, play 11:30pm - 5:00am Eastern Time

  8. Borderlands 2!!!! Sgt_Miko ps3 hmu, play 11:30pm - 5:00am Eastern Time

  9. Gone awful quiet around here... :(



      stop farting in here, it makes it awkward

  10. "ive got a reputation goin round.. i aint never been the kind to back down, ive thrown a punch or two and gave a few black eyes, but Jack Daniels kicked my ass again last night"

  11. "ive got a reputation goin round.. i aint never been the kind to back down, ive thrown a punch or two and gave a few black eyes, but Jack Daniels kicked my ass again last night"

  12. Just let out everything how I feel for my older brother and I feel so much better. Was a bad night at work, was sleep deprived, over heated, nicotine withdrawled and was constantly being bothered every 5mins while trying to sleep. So I lost my temper when my brother tried to use my truck even though I told him no. Afterwards we were forced to confront each other by our father and I angrily told him how I had absolutely no respect what so ever for him and was waiting for him to get up in my fa...



      face so I could break his damn jaw. If given another chance I would not hesitate to do it all again but with a hell of a lot more insults and more provoking. We will probably never speak or see each other as brothers anymore but I do not regret any action I took and feel damn good.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  13. Ordered some nunchucks online, should have em by middle of next week, bet yall never would of guessed a bored asian buying and learning how to use nunchucks



      lol lag got me, and yesh i ordered foam and wooden ones at same time, gonna buy cup tomorrow.

      Yesh Blex, I believe it would be much wiser to practice movements with the foam ones so when I practice with the wooden ones I have less chances of hurting myslef.

      However if my friends want to try em out I will let let practice with the wooden ones ha

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  14. Ordered some nunchucks online, should have em by middle of next week, bet yall never would of guessed a bored asian buying and learning how to use nunchucks



      I have foam nunchaku and wooden nunchaku that should arrive to my house tomorrow. After my experience using kendo sticks and wooden swords... yeah I'ma get that foam one to practice with first lol, and a cup.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  15. Ordered some nunchucks online, should have em by middle of next week, bet yall never would of guessed a bored asian buying and learning how to use nunchucks



      love Dynasty Warriors, I own a spear, a replica reverse blade sword(can yall guess origin?), a white curved hilt sword, and many many knives and brass knuckles that have been wornout and broken over the years. Also planing on buying an armalite... Damn weapons maniac ha.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  16. 31 weeks! (Yep, gona keep posting em til its time!) <3



      Great to hear, Love babies and little kids, then again when your raised in a real Asian household you learn to Love em or Hate em.

      Nah, not for now. In the future yes, if my state laws allow it without having to go to school or w/e for it, if not then it'll be just a talent shared sparingly with close family, occasional sore friend and a few special people.

      So tell us do you know if its a boy or girl yet(if you already told us say again). We(me and Jamie) want detai...

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  17. 31 weeks! (Yep, gona keep posting em til its time!) <3



      ehh it was good but i ended up giving my massage therapist pointers tips... i even gave her one and the manager offered me a job (im serious).

      Apparently by what my parents told me I've been giving massages since I was around 3.

      My grandpa is a massage therapist. Guess I got more then just my name from him.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  18. Tcee

    Tcee    Jamie

    You should really get online more; we miss youuu!<3



      Hey my belly isn't that big anymore, lulz. Tcee looks like she swallowed a baby, your too skinny!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  19. 31 weeks! (Yep, gona keep posting em til its time!) <3



      make sure your not too stressed out so go to a spa every now and then, speaking of which I'm going to one today for a sauna and massage.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  20. One does not simply lose a Blexun. Where has he gone to?

  21. I officially never have to wear a red shirt + khaki pants again! FREEEEDOMMM!:]



      Wish we thought of that, we were seriously high as fuck that day though ha

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  22. I officially never have to wear a red shirt + khaki pants again! FREEEEDOMMM!:]



      A friend and I wore red and khaki pants to target once... was really fun fucking with people. Especially the new workers.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  23. Rawr. Fergalicious is back.

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