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APOLLYON last won the day on January 7 2015

APOLLYON had the most liked content!

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  1. Just let out everything how I feel for my older brother and I feel so much better. Was a bad night at work, was sleep deprived, over heated, nicotine withdrawled and was constantly being bothered every 5mins while trying to sleep. So I lost my temper when my brother tried to use my truck even though I told him no. Afterwards we were forced to confront each other by our father and I angrily told him how I had absolutely no respect what so ever for him and was waiting for him to get up in my fa...

    1. Jake


      It got cut off. I'm left at a cliffhanger.



      face so I could break his damn jaw. If given another chance I would not hesitate to do it all again but with a hell of a lot more insults and more provoking. We will probably never speak or see each other as brothers anymore but I do not regret any action I took and feel damn good.

    3. gotab0ner4xmas


      oh brother.

      if it had to be done, so be it. good for you. everything hppens for a reason

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